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RE: My horrible first experience with Steemit & ideas on how to fix it.

in #steemit8 years ago

Great post. I wish more people would take such a rational, thought out view of deeply negative emotional experiences. I've seen other reports about negative things this user has done and hopefully the network is responding to the point where their reputation will go down enough to not allow this in the future (already, we see some of that happening here). Lower reputations can't impact higher reputations, but unfortunately, new users start at 0 (though it's displayed as a 25, I think).

I like some aspects of your proposals, but:

assume we are adults and can decide for ourselves. I don't think the coddling is really necessary and believe this to be a better solution.

It's not just about that. Some people have been massively abused and it's important to flag those accounts quickly to limit the harm they can do to others (eventually their comments are hidden by default). I think a balance is needed where if things like this happen right away to new accounts, they have a quick and simply process to appeal the situation and it's made very clear to them they are innocent until proven guilty. I'm also hopeful network forces will naturally discourage the type of flagging you saw. I'm going to give you a follow because I really respect your attitude in responding to this and for looking for futures. I think Steemit can use a lot more people like you here.


Thanks for the thoughtful response and kind words. I will have to get more well versed on some of the other abuses and loopholes in the Steemit system. With anything like this, there are bound to be people who abuse it early on. It reminds me of when Ultima Online first came out something like 25 years ago and people who just resurrect other players simply to be able to kill them again to the point where new players got so frustrated they quit the game outright.

I think there is definitely a middle ground solution that can help curb this experience (although I'm not sure if I was just unlucky or if it is a common occurrence). Thanks for your thoughts on the issue and for your support on a personal level. It is much appreciated!

That @lukestokes is good people.

Sorry about your initial experience. Hopefully we'll avoid the part where people use a rock to glitch out pathfinding, walk through a walls of your house, and loot all your chests :)

I do hope you'll stick around, I've been following lisk for a while now and would love to see more thoughts on where it's heading. If you still want to run, and use steem, I may be working on just the tool you need ;)

I'm glad you stuck around, too. My very first day on Steemit (a month ago tomorrow!), a high rep member flagged one of my comments on his post. It wasn't a spam comment. It was lengthy and detailed, and complimented his post and the ideas behind it. I replied back, asking why he flagged it, but he didn't answer me. I just assumed it was because he didn't want a new user commenting on his post for some reason.

After being upset and annoyed for a few days, during which time I kept reading, commenting, and posting anyway, I got over it, and kept Steeming on. It hasn't happened again, so far. I still wonder why he did it, though. I'm just not upset by it anymore. I've had far more positive experiences by sticking around here than that one negative one. If I'd given up the first day because of it, I'd have missed out on all the good things on Steemit.

You've got my follow, and my upvote. :)

I once accidentally flagged someone touching my screen wrong. :) Gald you stuck it out.