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RE: Help us test new performance optimizations for!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

I'm so very glad to see these updates. Thank you and please keep them coming!

Edit: Browsed the site, did a Rewards claim, posted this comment... seems to be working nicely so far!

Edit2: Seems my first edit just kept spinning and never finished:


I got the spinning comment thing again (the comment does post, but the UI doesn't update) and was able to get the error from the console this time:

Would you like us to create github issues for things like this?


Thanks for the feedback Luke. Yes, I've been able to duplicate the sporadic issue and we'll troubleshoot to resolve it. Let's reserve github issues for problems that are already integrated into Reporting things here for problems with the staging site is completely sufficient.

I'm going to publicly disagree with you. :)

Bugs on staging condenser are absolutely eligible for issues:

Please include three things:

  1. exact steps to reproduce

  2. what you expected to happen

  3. what actually happened

  4. (optional) screenshots, supporting explanations, theories, et c. :)

Thank you. That was going to be my next question as I see there are quite a few Github issues for the current site as well. Good luck to you all! Building/maintaining two different front end infrastructures as you complete this migration is no easy task.

Indeed - building and maintaining a completely unique blockchain-based decentralized social media site certainly has it's challenges :)

I can second this. Also, after it's submitted and done, the edit box still shows up on every comment.