yeah yeah yeah I know I've been gone for quite a while and I apologize. I deserve all the heat you guys want to give me.
Personally running WeAreChange and a lot of the social media, doing all the video work myself and traveling at the same time always being on the road has left me to forget about this amazing platform. Well recently during my work one of my tweets that was going viral was just without notice deleted from my account on
Then I thought to myself, man I wish there was an unbiased social media platform that was not trying to push an agenda while protecting freedom of speech not censoring anything that they disagreed with. Then I said to myself "oh yeah dumbass its called STEEMIT" and then I felt bad and embarrassed cause I completely forgot about you guys. "FUCK" I said to myself.
Well here I am back and promising to stay here, even if I don't get to personally give you guys a message every time about what I am up to up or how I am feeling because of my time constraints. I still promise to share my work that is only possible because of the viewers who support it.
In short I love you all and I'm sorry, but I hope I made it up because I did tell my almost 400,000 youtube subs to join me on here now. Its cool right, don't hate on me too much? please, lol
peace and love,
Luke Rudkowski
I never stopped following you, regardless of where you are. You put up quality content and are a honorable guy. Many of your fans feel this way and that is why I hope you will post here and promote Steemit as it helps ALL of us!
Love you Brother, Best Regards~*~
couldnt have said it better myself...
Welcome back, Luke. I was wondering where you had gone. :)
It's funny to me. If we as a community have trouble convincing people like yourself to stick around and contribute to this platform for the reasons you mentioned above and many others, how will we get the masses involved?
luke you should look into what faddat, tuan and I are working on. I think it is going to blow your mind...
Join our hangouts bro. You know you are always welcome. And btw I have not forgotten you live close to me. We will chat in person some day--i promise. Corndogs at SONIC are like 50 cents at certain times of the day. And they serve them hot and steemy :D
Sounds good to me. I'll ping you on chat for more info.
Sounds juicy, might I be able to intrude on this project?
400,000? Well, if you can bring at least 1% of them here, you'd be one of the most followed users, if not the most followed. Good luck! We could certainly use the influx of warm bodies these days.
As long as Luke really uses this platform and promotes it a HUGE amount of people WILL come. He has a very good following and this platform is very preferable for most of his fan base. Lets hope it happens!
More importantly--as long as steem's users and largest stakeholders make steem worth what it should be. Building something good for humanity while balancing the requirements of business to profit at any cost is a difficult but doable charge. To achieve that directive though, you are looking at steem at such a high marketcap that everyone here in the early days will feel like they won a nice chunk of change in the lottery :)
The irony is that chunk is earned by the people on the platform, so that "lottery" is actually just our own value coming back to us.
im working on it
you will become one of them. i'm serious though when I say, luke, that we should chat behind the scenes. I can't publically unveil anything until it is finished but I could bring you into a little group working on bringing tools that will help us A) overcome the whale problem and B) let people leverage their own brands and tokens to form, direct and reward communities, all while still using the steem blockchain.
To some i might be giving it away, but only those who have been really thinking about this for some time now.
Welcome back, patreon supporter here. I'll be watching for your content to help you get as much as you can. Glad to see you give up on those useless old social media sites
FUCK YEAH, your awesome thank you so much without you I would not be here, you are more important then you know.
i saw that @pressfortruth is also using steemit + patreon. I think maybe I should reach out to the creator of patreon....that service deserves respect too.
these social networks are the kinds of tools that make people like hillary (well more like her handlers because she probably isn't smart enough to understand it), shit their pants at night and wake up in night sweats.
so true and you are funny, haha!
If you don't know who Luke is, here's a quick introduction from a famous rapper - RA the Rugged Man.
nice find, thanks
i didnt even see this b4
I follow RA on Facebook and he posted it there recently :D
Haha! Great video! Lol! Thanks for shareing! 👌👍
Hopefully at least 10% of your followers come take a look... that would double our active user base :)
I have been censored on Facebook before but didn't even know steemit existed thanks Luke. I'm now an active member.
what pisses me off is when i try to retweet something and it doesn't let me. people on here focus alot on the money for good reason, but should try to remember steem is still a baby and we need to nurture it and teach it to grow up right and strong. but if we do that, it will destroy all other social media simply because of its ability to keep content censorship free, then that simple fact will help ensure the marketcap alone can sustain paying out far more to far more people.
Well, welcome back Luke. Twitter is out of control lately. I have had no issues and either has TDV but I know it could happen at any time.
never trust a social media platform pushing crooked hillary clinton
the daughter of satan.
That was a good plug for Steemit in the video.
Amazing that important info like Twitter's censorship of it's member's material will probably go unnoticed by the majority, in all the confusion.
It IS 'clown season', or election time.
yeah @lukewearechange !! we are the only place where free speech will still exist once the UN shut down all anti establishment dissenters on all establishment run " social "networks!! Welcome back to your home of free speech, a place where change is still possible !! Steem On !
Never heard of you before man but I like your style. Followed and looking forward to more. Don't leave me hangin'.
Glad to see you back here @lukewearechange! Thanks for keeping up such a consistent flow of content, I think many of us here can really relate to how time-consuming and difficult it would be to perform at the level that you do. You're a great asset to the movement, and I'm grateful for you. I'll see you at #anarchapulco again this winter :-)
Good to see you. PowerUp!
nice thanks so much
welcome back and nice to meet you. I don't think you'll take any heat for wondering off, life happens.
Don't worry about being gone for a bit, its quite a lot to handle even projects here with work on the side.
Glad to see you back though! Good luck on your journeys!
Welcome back brother, great video :)
Censorship on the other platforms is getting crazy, especially around the latest wikileaks and shillary dramas..
I was noticing that too with the election in high gear, so much good news is being censored. I came back here to see what the news feed was saying.
I just hope the content providers on steemit can provide the good stuff.
Whoa! Luke, I hope you cleared your energy field after getting so close to that evil piece of scum Kissinger... Keep up the awesome work. You are such an inspiration and I deeply admire you for your courage and great example. Cheers mate!
OMG, Luke, you are my hero!!! Following....
Welcome back Luke! Im a new follower and looking forward to some great posts from you! Love youe little censored tweetie bird picture! Lol! Well played! STEEM ON! ♨👍♨
Well @lukewearechange, I will always try to support your efforts. And yes, you should be a little bit ashamed, but at the same time, you should also realize steemit is still beta and has its own problems. But with the right leaders who pop up (and hold the whales and witnesses accountable on steem), we can fashion it into one hell of a platform. :)
Welcome back Bro!
Upvoted 100%. Glad you're back on Steemit.
Thanks for coming back to you senses. Here's $135 and counting from the Steemit community for this one post. : ) What's Twitter ever done for you?
I'm glad you are back. I didn't stop following you, and I've followed your works for years. I know you're a busy guy. Just glad you are back here. We need to get more people aware of steemit and using it.
there's been censorship on Steemit too unfortunately. a flag by a whale can make a post disappear. it has happened several times, and even for silly motives. the 1st amendment should be sacred here and no whale should be allowed to trample on it.
Happy to see you back on the Steem blockchain! I took a break from Steemit for a while myself, but I am very excited to be back again.
What you do is desperately needed to avoid WWIII, keep up bro !
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Steem is perceived as a threat to the business model of Twitter and FB who have clearly gotten used to dominating social media. Anytime something comes along to challenge their business model it gets attacked or bought out. In the case of Steem, we saw a huge reduction in the value right as it was gaining momentum. The real story, I can intuit, will be in how high frequency trading algorithms and bot trading are beginning to influence Crypto based businesses similar to the methods used on Wall Street Stock exchanges. It's probably not a coincidence that the value was brought up so quick then tanked afterwards. That would be a good way to discourage users. But I digress, the point is, you Luke, are back on Steem and it's good to see you here again. Since Steem offers the option to share on FB and Twitter, maybe we should just try to originate our material here and then repost via the sharing option to the larger social media companies like FB/Twitter. That would draw more users in because they would need to come to Steem to view the content and Steem is promoted via the link, thus encouraging more users while losing no one else in the process. As long as you always repost to them and redirect the traffic here, it benefits all. Thanks for all you do. Be well.