While Everyone Was Enjoying Christmas and Not Paying Attention, President Obama JUST NOW Signed The Worst Law of His Presidency

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

BREAKING: The Disgusting Act That Barack Obama Committed On Christmas 

While no one was paying attention on Christmas, U.S President Barack Obama used this situation to pass a very controversial law in the 2017 NDAA. The Countering Disinformation And Propaganda Act was signed into law by Barack Obama which many people say is the inception of the U.S military and governments own Ministry of Truth. To help fight for independent media and free speech support us on  http://wearechange.org/donate/ and vote with your dollar as we are going through massive financial hits. 

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woah woah woah ..

Not that I am in favor of it, but this bill is meant to sponsor and support independent media in places where the independence of the media is in question - ie. Russia. No place is this more a problem of course, than in the United States .. but the US gov't could not spend the resources provided by this bill at home, because that would be just waaaay tooo obvious - and US-based corporate media is doing a pretty damn good job supporting the policies of power already :0) For certain the money will not be going to journalists who have nothing good to say about the US government, so while it will serve to battle censorship and propaganda in whatever country the US targets, it will also promote pro-American propaganda.

It's a farce .. for certain .. but it is not designed to stifle independent journalists, domestically. It is a slipperly slope .. kind of a joke actually, a government giving money to journalists to promote their independence!? lol .. it's a little crazy in fact! :)

In all things we must remain rational and true to the truth.

Get more active here, get more people here, and the income here is not controlled by a corporation. The more people using and embracing steem/steemit, the more valuable it will be.

Resteemed and sent you a Steem Dollar donation.. Happy Holidays!

WOW. I just read this article: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-12-24/obama-signs-countering-disinformation-and-propaganda-act-law
Truth seekers need to be wary because it seems like any talking head can accuse any site or organization of "fake news" and shut them down. Not cool.

My impression of the disinformation law is that it's main goal is to decipher the propaganda of OTHER media outlets that are both biased by government influence and regulated by government influence. Think N. Korea or Russia or China. Countries with, at the very least, a history of altering their own media coverage. I appreciate the passion between the right of the aisle, but I think that there are some inconsistencies that should be fact-checked. Thank you for posting, though.

Yes, it would appear this article is guilty of disinformation itself.

Resteemed as usual for you. Why??

Because people like you and Press for Truth ( @pressfortruth ) and the Dollar Vigilante ( @dollarvigilante ) speak more truth without bias in a week than any politician I personally know as an activist for years in my community targeted for truth speak -- or any of the " Lame Stream Media paid off to look the other way and misdirect people " - media sources.

GBY you guys, all of you that watch this stuff. I told you the other day on your post something like this was coming in this season!!!!! It always does!

Fuck Obama. Fuck politicians. Merry Christmas.

Damn, that would have made a great holiday T-Shirt.

There's always next Christmas lol

Could just tag thank you trump after it :)

i know it's too much to ask, but just for tonight instead of sugarplums dancing in my head, i'm going to have visions of this ass and all his minions spending the balance of their lives in prison. obama in guantanamo! forever!

your 'news' isn't especially accurate...while you seem to be doing some useful work, you need to be more fully informative in order to appear even-handed and 'factual'..... "Congress passed the military funding bill on December 14, leaving a deadline of December 26 for Obama to sign or veto the legislation. The president chose to sign, rather than let it become law without his signature."

Er...if the president doesn't sign it, like throws it in a drawer and blows it off or something it doesn't become law, it's called a pocket veto and it would go back to congress and they would have to pass it by 3/4 majority to override that veto and become law. The term pocket veto stems from the president not taking action ether way, not signing or vetoing it, he in essence puts it in his pocket and I believe in 14 days it becomes a veto.

I don't think so - in this case, several news sources stated the above quote. I'm fairly certain it would have become law without his signature. It's a HUGE military funding bill.

Dam, I was afraid this would happen. Always happens every year. Happen with the NDAA on 2012 and now it has happened again!

I really dislike the games these politicians play.

...those "games" murder, steal, and destroy life. But I understand that it is game theory you refer to, and not the alternate meaning that something is a harmless "game" and not "real life."

The English language is on the margin of being too weak to oppose tyranny/"organized parasitism." Efforts to make it weaker are Orwellian, pro-tyranny. Efforts to select a language of freedom are efforts to help unhook the parasites. Just my .02

I'm looking for people to join my coward's club. After all, we must be cowards, if this government still stands.

I do not mean to be sour but steemit reflects society very well; fake news outsells truth by a distance and when the truth comes along it is viewed as bland.
Fake news (and I include Conspiracy Theories in that) are glorified gossip for the tittle tattle which fills so many people's gaps in their lives.
Steemit, sadly, has the same propensity to buy crap and ignore good research.
There is a gulf between the talk and the walk.
It is shamefully clear that voting and SP are at odds with principles.

I did resteem this and debated this with some people outside of steemit.

I am not a fan of Obama, or anything here... but it is worth noting that this made it through the House and the Senate before getting to Obama and was already attached as a rider to the NDAA by then.

This is what they always do with bills that stand no chance... attach them to the NDAA as "what sane person would refuse to fund the miliary" would be their argument... so they attach truly aweful stuff to that bill... it should be vetoed until all RIDERS are removed. We shouldn't even permit riders... one law, one bill, one vote...

Perhaps if we limited such things they'd not be so haste to pass huge amounts of laws each year... many they don't even read before passing.

So this is not solely an Obama thing...

Obama was but the final chance to stop it... and he did not.

Thanks for sharing. There are so many pieces of legislation that sneak past us. I'm hoping this might slow down or reverse in the future.

It won't slow down or reverse without a superior counter-organization.

Hoping for a falling rock to stop in mid air is delusion.

Eliminate "hope" from your vocabulary, except to describe choices 50-50 type individuals (mixed bag) might make (for example, two of DJT's appointments indicate they might make good decisions -Oneill and DeVos-- on some issues they have purview over --I hope they do, but don't EXPECT them to).

Collective action becomes more determinate, the more people are added, depending on what types of people they are. If more sociopaths join the decision-making, the result is worse. If more individualists/empaths join, the result is sometimes better, if those individualists have a means of making it better.

All the individualists in the world don't prevail when there is no mechanism for them to prevail. Such a mechanism must always be first identified, separately from philosophy.

For example, ten armed collectivists with machine guns can mow down 10,000 individualists who didn't know the event was a machine gun fight, and who failed to impact the conflict when it was still a jury trial.

If those 10,000 people acted early and got a jury to nullify the laws before they escalated, then philosophy has been successfully adapted to strategy.

Without implementation, philosophy is WORTHLESS. So many people agree on philosophy, it's useless to refine philosophy. Libertarian philosophy is a giant warrior, libertarian strategic implementation is a helpless embryo.

Just my .02

America made law to become like North Korea?

Common ground, can be friends. woo hoo.

For what it's worth...

Pfssst Earlier provisions in the NDAA made it legal for the gov. to put out propaganda as news ( er...LIES) and now it has created what in essence is a truth commission to ferret out those nasty little lies in the alt. media( you know... truth) Orwell anyone ???

Dude! the photo is a fake. Obama doesn't have white hands. I doubt the 'news' reported in this piece is true either. Nuff said!

This has been one of the sneakiest administrations. They have methodically rammed thru some of the worse decisions for America on holidays or the Friday evening before a holiday weekend.

.....perhaps that is because it is run by snakes?....

No one seems to mention all the manpower it is going to take (and cost) to "investigate" all the "subversive" and "fake" news out there. We are truly creating an Orwellian thought police (like the kind who carry guns). The truth is stranger than click bait.