Whenever there's a post pointing out the problems within steemit it's being ignored, sometimes even downvoted by the whales ...
So ... how much lower does the value of SBD have to fall until the whales are finally able to admit that they're wrong and I'm right?
The whales lost millions in the last few months, yet they're all convinced that if it wasn't for them Steemit wouldn't be able to function. This while the whales consuming 90% of the steem power is the problem. The whales are the problem!
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I'm never going to stop voting, and just to show you, I'm going to downvote this ignorant post.
OP has an extremely, probably terminal, arrogance problem.
"if Michiel Van Kets tells you to stop voting ........ just stop fucking voting already"
Pathetic, you're truly clueless.
Regardless of how much I have "lost", I still have more than you. So, who's the loser now?
I haven't lost anything, child. I've been buying more steem and powering up almost every day - just like I bought more bitcoin as it dropped from $35 all the way to below $2 a few years ago (it's now well over $650). I think you probably don't have enough years under your belt, and it is way too early, for you to be making any rash judgments as to who will be the losers.
It is probably still a little early for you to be apologizing to me for your bad manners and foul language - but that's OK, I can wait lol.
My feelings are just fine. It seems to be you who can't even write a short post without resorting to foul and rude language.
"Steemit was meant to be a decentralized platform"
You're nothing but a whiny cry baby. That's what I'm seeing.
Can you explain why do you think this is the reason?
I really do like decentralization, but it's not a miracle medicine that will cure everything.
I can't see much benefit of new blockchain project having lots of decentralization. New projects have to be able to develop quickly and that's really hard when everything is decentralized.
It's much better to keep the project mostly centralized in the beginning and when it matures, let the decentralization happen.
I mentioned you in my latest article: https://steemit.com/blackmirror/@stellabelle/i-made-a-dystopian-video-eerily-like-black-mirror-before-i-owned-a-smartphone
If you were a whale, would you consider growing your wealth? Or would you do the "right thing?"
Ah I see now, you're just sore you're not a "whale".
Cry baby.
Hahaha! "Bernie Sanders" on Steemit now? I have to see your content!
Welllll the whales that create new users and up-vote themselves do grow their wealth. I will check it out!
I'm still making money here. I don't think that is losing...
Good point. The price got so high that the rewards were unrealistic before. We can still make rewards but for some of those who were around when the price was $5 it can feel like like the whole building is crumbling... When in fact it's not a building falling, it's more like a hot air balloon coming down slow as it needs to because we can't keep our head in the clouds forever!
It is a real shame that you resort to name calling, because I think you have a valid argument that I would like to see the whales debate so Steemit can be better, but the name calling cheapens the argument to the point were it may be doing more harm than good.@luminousvisions
That is a very interesting post, I mentioned the no voting for a day in a podcast last week. Curie is really the only way for new people to have success here, but it seems like the only solutions that are ever proposed for rewarding minnows is to create more whales (curie) which makes me wonder if we are harming the community in the long run.