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RE: OFFICIAL Steemit FAQ - 2nd Draft - Your Input is Appreciated!

in #steemit8 years ago

good job!

would you mind if I make my own version of it and post it under my own account??

I want to add an index, with links to the questions, categorize it all out a bit more, and then a lot of screenshots to illustrate everything and I got my own collection of links that are answers to some of the questions

thing is ... I already got started on it, but in an excel sheet


Thanks! I'm no developer, but that might make it easier for the devs to incorporate it into Steemit? I'm going to be out of town for a couple of days, but I think you should get in contact with @ned on Steemit Chat and see what he says about that idea (asking specifically, "What can I do that would make it easier for the Steemit devs?")

Ultimately, I'd like to see it look something like this: