The Steemit Battle Between the Whales and Minnows

in #steemit9 years ago (edited)

I love Steemit, but ...

Is there a problem with distribution? Or are those minnows just butthurt?

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so we're going to use this post to revolt!

lulz, I appreciate the thought and the props. :)

I seriously do not understand how your Steemocracy one with the Dollar Vigilante smoking 3 cigarettes did not get more whale upvotes, ESPECIALLY AFTER 453 VOTED FOR MINE THAT CONTAINED YOURS....... This is nuts!!!!! I certainly don't understand this's just sooooo freaking contains everything i thought would be popular and well voted for, especially because it contains whales themselves.......what are your theories?

How can you not understand lol. Popular users = better chance of curation reward = voting bots + whales only concentrating on this.

 9 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment
it took some time for you, but by now you got $100, and your next post will probably get traction much faster and more $$ ... so, it's working ... you're getting there, right?

I never expected a high payout for that comic. Going in I knew how it would be perceived and I frankly didn't care, it made me laugh and I knew it would make many others outside the whale pool laugh. That was the only "payment" I needed.

I've made plenty off Steemit post and could never make another dime here and be perfectly happy. If anything I was over-compensated for many of my post/comments and with the number of post I make it all averages out just fine for me.

On the BitShares forum in the past, I was doing this same kind of stuff and received nothing for it, so I'm giddy to receive anything more than nothing here. Besides, when the other decentralized platforms go online I'm sure my comics that don't play well here to the whales will play much better over there judging by the number of BTC tips I received for my Tone Vays comic. ;)

The decentralized future is bright my friend! The more options content creators have the better it will be for all of us. If something doesn't go over well on one, we simply bring it to another venue and see how it does there.

But I will admit, if I were a comic, I would get more of a kick from bombing with a polygamy joke in Utah versus getting big laughs in Vegas. ;)

they don't understand how important perception is ... there's a growing discontent

Apparently they get it now, I see a new option (that I've yet to try) where we can "boost" a payout or something. I'm trying to find something on it currently, but it looks like a step in the right direction (I hope)! :)

 9 years ago  Reveal Comment

Luckily, I am not a Whale nor a minnow,
Just the Little Plankton.

Steemit Needs You

To Become A Dolphin

There is definitely a major inbalance in voting power on Steemit right now. I'm hoping though that as more dolphins and whales are created in the months ahead that things will change. I've had plenty of articles get a lot of votes but almost no money. It really stinks when that happens.