Are People On Steemit "Fake Nice" Because Of How The Rewards System Works?

in #steemit7 years ago

A couple days ago I was graced with the pleasure of being interviewed by David Pakman who was a joy to talk with about Steemit and the Steem blockchain. @davidpakman's blog is full of interesting interviews with many creative Steemians and David is great at asking some really good questions.

One question, in particular, we talked about that really got me thinking more after the interview was this. As David put it:

One of the comments I'm hearing a lot from people who I'm bringing over from my YouTube channel to Steemit, which of course is drastically different in infrastructure, it's drastically different in etiquette and in the norms that have developed.

One of the most common things they mention is that it seems that everyone is "fake nice" to each other in order to get upvotes whereas on YouTube things immediately sort of degenerate into just insane ad hominem and insults.

Some of the people I bring over from YouTube immediately pick up on the fact that Steemit seems to be much more cordial and I guess my question to you is,

Do you think it's cordial because it's genuinely more cordial or is it because there's no real advantage to insult people because of how the rewards system works? Source



That's an interesting question worthy of more discussion but before we go there I must point out that in my view platforms where people cloaked behind anonymity slinging insults at each other are truly disingenuous.

People do not act that way towards each other in the real world most of the time. It's not the norm to have people throwing personal insults at you throughout the day as you interact with people. That's something that only happens on sites like YouTube, where people feel free to express the vilest of human emotions to each other safely hidden behind a screen wall.

When is the last time you insulted some random person, attacking their character and intentions in a vile and public manner? I'm guessing most people don't do that very often, if at all. We humans, have adapted enough intelligence to realize there is no advantage to behaving in such a base manner. Our instincts nudge us to cooperate with each other for mutual benefit and such behavior is counterproductive.

David Pakman is a television and radio host, political commentator, and Internet personality. He is best known as the host of the internationally syndicated political television and talk radio program The David Pakman Show. He also is the managing director of Vivid Edge Media Group, which produces The David Pakman Show. A naturalized U.S. citizen, Pakman was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and was raised from age 5 in the United States. Pakman is a self-described liberal/progressive. - Wikipedia



While cordial discourse between civil human beings may seem like "fake nice" to people used to the demeaning dialog exchanges on YouTube, I posit that the way people behave on Youtube is the abnormally "fake not-nice" behavior that is at odds with the norm. There is no path to have any meaningful discourse when people attack your personal character simply because they disagree with your point, something commonly found in the comment threads of YouTube.

One reason this kind of behavior has grown like a fungus in a Petri dish on websites like YouTube is there is no accountability that comes with personal face-to-face engagement. Somehow this lack of accountability, while feeling shielded by anonymity, gives free reign to humanity's darkest verbal expressions. It's the ugly side of human nature written in indelible ink for the world to witness and I find it very distasteful.

Steemit, on the other hand, has a system of accountability worked into its fabric with incentives for communities to work together, just like real life. We have an incentive to be civil to each other in mutual support. This fosters an environment with fewer assholes. As far as I'm concerned I want to spend my time in places with the fewest assholes per capita as possible and Steemit is that place.

I have seen so many trolls on platforms like YouTube whose sole purpose it seems it to destroy any chance of having a real intelligent discussion even if it means reversing their position they so venomously were defending only moments ago in order to confuse the person they are talking with. Any intelligent response results in attacks on the person's character and personal beliefs. It's really disgusting to watch but hard to pull away from, like a gruesome car accident on the side of the road as you drive by.



Art Markman, a professor of psychology at the University of Texas at Austin commented about getting sucked into the flame wars that are Internet comment threads.:

"At the end of it you can't possibly feel like anybody heard you. Having a strong emotional experience that doesn't resolve itself in any healthy way can't be a good thing."

A perfect storm of factors come together to engender the rudeness and aggression seen in the comments' sections of Web pages, Markman said. First, commenters are often virtually anonymous, and thus, unaccountable for their rudeness. Second, they are at a distance from the target of their anger — be it the article they're commenting on or another comment on that article — and people tend to antagonize distant abstractions more easily than living, breathing interlocutors. Third, it's easier to be nasty in writing than in speech, hence the now somewhat outmoded practice of leaving angry notes (back when people used paper) Source



Why people act rude and insensitive on platforms like YouTube I'll leave to social media psychologists to discuss, but I for one prefer the more civil and meaningful discussions on Steemit.

No doubt the media is partly responsible for setting bad examples on how people work out their differences, but even with the lack of good examples, we tend to self-censor ourselves in our daily interactions so as to foster cooperation.

Edward Wasserman, Knight Professor in Journalism Ethics at Washington and Lee University, noted another cause of the vitriol: bad examples set by the media.

"Unfortunately, mainstream media have made a fortune teaching people the wrong ways to talk to each other, offering up Jerry Springer, Crossfire, Bill O'Reilly. People understandably conclude rage is the political vernacular, that this is how public ideas are talked about," Wasserman wrote in an article on his university's website. "It isn't." Source

The further away you are from someone you're trying to communicate with the harder it is to do and since 90% of communication is nonverbal, writing as a form of communication with another as you would find in a comment thread requires even more understanding of the other person's perspective before you can truly respond meaningfully.

The communication process is compromised further when there's no accountability or even attempts to hearing someone's perspective when it differs from your own. Here on Steemit people behave more like we normally do in the real world. Thinking that being nice is somehow fake just shows how much the discussions on YouTube have degenerated into useless, unresolvable insults.

While people do disagree on many topics there seems to be a basic level of common decency in the way people interact on Steemit which I find refreshing even though it is more aligned with the way people actually interact normally. It's interesting to note that common civility would seem unusual to a YouTuber looking into the Steemit platform for the first time as if the very idea of people being nice to each other is somehow strange behavior with questionable authenticity.

Since when did being nice appear suspect of being real? I can only hope that the rude assholes who flock to YouTube to indelibly vent their insane, ad hominem frustrations to content creators there are repelled from coming to Steemit with their rude manners once they see how "fake nice" everyone is to each other here.

I want to thank David Pakman for his time and interest in interviewing me and found his questions insightful and engaging. If you would like to hear more of this interview go to Steemit Interview: @luzcypher talks Steem community, SBD & STEEM, music on Steem
--- by @davidpakman

David Pakman Interviews LuzCypher About Steem


Click image to hear the full interview




Great food for thought.
I admit I find it very annoying to read comments that do not add value to the platform. "good read, keep it up" "wow such fascinating"
Basically, comments that could have been typed up by Doge lol
Even worse when it's a comment written up by a bot that clearly doesn't have an opinion or a grasp of what was discussed in the article!

I feel those greatly pollute the steem blockchain. BUT! They are much more easily skipped over than the hatred comments on YouTube! So it's probably a net positive.

Hope they find a solution to that issue in future versions and/or projects.

Agreed. Empty but nice comments aren't the worst thing, but I try to say something that might be constructive somehow. Asking a question you genuinely want answered about someone's post or the art/other work they show in that post is probably a start.

Are you referring to both issues there, or just the bots? Is the nature of how Steemit works likely to allow for such things to be improved in the future? Forgive how green I am. :)

I'll bite in the most cordial way luzcypher. My first corporate job when I was sixteen had a meme at the cash till that has stayed with me: 'it's nice to be important but more important to be nice'. ( how the corporate world has changed:(
That said, I do agree with much that you've said but also have criticisms of the Steemit template.
-the algorithms here make Steemit one of the most censored sites on the net. Most of the trending page is filled with those that bought their way there. I'll use a golf analogy to help flesh this out. In golf, it's really easy to prove merit, not so with the trending page on Steemit. Now, it's not entirely true though as one can judge syntax and grammar in writing, production value in music and video, but even factoring in those parameters most of the stuff at the top of the heap here has been bought and doesn't merit the exposure, IMO.
-I've come across few places in real life where virtue signaling, obsequiousness, and sycophantic​ brown nosing is the norm as it is here on Steemit. Except maybe in the golfing world! This aspect of Steemit is definitely fake compared to real life.
Well, I guess my criticism is minimal in that regard as that's about it. Yes, though, there is no Social Media site as good as steemit at the moment.
Good post, Cheers!

Thanks for this. I'll go watch the interview now. I agree with your analysis of asshole behavior. I think some personalities are just shitty. That's just the way of it. But yeah, there is something wrong when being nice is seen as something to suspect. Niceness can be used to manipulate, and it surely is employed that way on here. But the basic psychology of being nice to others is so that they'll cooperate with you. So it kinda follows logically to end up being the wisest way to behave for your own interest and the interest of all. Being nice works. Who knew? I do think the culture of other platforms tends to be toxic and that's why I no longer bother with them. At least for now, there seems to be some cohesive sense of unity here and a sense of it being a real community versus the culture of other sites. I hope that continues and grows into a healthy form of self-governance that works to weed out the assholes. Or at least starve them of any benefit from their behavior.

One thing I've thought on, myself, is how everything is so open here. It's all visible. There are no privacy settings. In real life you can whisper something in your friend's ear and then shake another's hand and say something entirely different and they not be privy to the private chat. That's not the case here, and I think that might make for some interesting relations between people, especially those who relate on some things and don't on others. In one way, I think it's neat because maybe we see we have more in common than we thought with those we otherwise wouldn't ever speak to on the street or think to be friends with in real life situations. I find this particularly valuable being in America and seeing the current divide we now have due to politics. Maybe this can work as a counter to that to expose people with opposing viewpoints to the day to day similarities in each other's lives and therefore help them find ways to relate. Slowly we might mend that tear in our nation's fabric. Idk, just a hope, and a tangent, but it seemed relevant to what you've mentioned.

Yes, it's something that does happen in general because of how things are structured towards money/SP. If you act like an ass and don't have lots of SP, then you can lose support and even get flagged your rewards away. If you have lots of SP, you can be a dick and flag people and swear, and no one does anything because you have the power and others don't, so you get away with it. People don't stand up to the power players who have the concentration of power (SP) on the platform in fear of losing support or of being targeted themselves. Fear rules in large part. Youtube people don't have to fear anything, they can be dicks just to be dicks and don't need to be rich.

That's a great point, and I'm glad I read this now instead of further down the line(I'm very new.) Does this seem like a trend that will naturally continue and have no real solution? Curious on your take.

I don't see a solution other than people learning about issue and wanting to change behavior because it's better to do so...

I think, although there is a monetary incentive here, regular people have to work together here to get that money (with some exceptions). If you're an asshole to someone here they will remember, potentially lowering your chances of that monetary reward in the future. There's no incentive on YouTube to be nice, and no consequence if you're not. Although it's for money on steemit, it's similar to how you earn reputation interacting with people in person. If you're an asshole in person, word of this will spread and keep you from gaining good reputation in the future from others.

I kinda don't even care if they're fake nice, as long as they are...
I don't think anyone would be more satisfied if people would be mean and curing their frustrations on steemit as they do on any other platform because of anonymity. It's hard to be at peace with negativity. And the worst thing is to ignore it.

Balance is the key of life, but one must know how to use the negativity as a fuel, rather than as a distraction of what really matters in life and letting it control them, so they have to cure the consequence, and since sport is not an option for most people, internet got them covered. I love people who have been through a lot and still have a smile, as I said on the start, even if it's a fake one...

We all have ups and downs and frustrations and happy moments, but we choose which ones we notice, and which ones we share. :)

well said.

Most people are fake nice to get upvotes but not everyone. Either way people are far more careful with their words here which is great even if there is some fairness.
Its not that hard to spot fake nice vs genuine IMO so not to worried about it.
Would rather have fake nice comments on my posts than people calling me a looser for no good reason hahaha
Of course I am always open to conscious constructive criticism.

I'm real nice and a real asshole sometimes, so, I've got that going for me. Lol.

How you doing @quinneaker? Miss you guys.

One of the phenomenon we have seen on the internet is that because people can post anonymously they feel they can say things with no repercussions and this often brings out the worst in people.

What is interesting about Steemit is that while it is still anonymous there are real repercussions for your actions. Because there is a monetary value tied to your actions those actions become more meaningful again and people actually think about the implications of their actions keeping some of those worse instincts repressed.

That is my theory anyways for why you see people behave in a much more cordial on here. It's not fake nice, its just a place where your actions have repercussions again and that changes behavior.

Agreed. To me, interactions on Steemit seem more in line with how people engage in the real world. It's OK to express different points of view but that doesn't mean the discourse should disintegrate into a venomous mudslinging marathon. No one behaves like that in real life without repercussions.

Exactly. It is strange to think that people come to this site think it’s weird there aren’t a bunch of insults being throw around instead of thinking it’s weird that is happening from the site they came from.

Of course people are affected by the rewards, but I think a lot of people that end up here are just genuine and tend to be more thoughtful to begin with; they're here because they weren't, generally speaking, enjoying other social media. Very quickly you experience a different culture here--before you even really fully understand the reward system. And between wanting to adjust effectively to the culture we find ourselves in as a natural human trait and simultaneously finding the difference so refreshing, people fall into place here for the most part and then it just perpetuates. I think the cordiality is one of Steemit's most important qualities, because it's the thing that most people notice first, as most people don't see the rewards for a little while. It keeps people here for the first bit while they get the hang of things.

The other thing is that being cordial isn't being fake. A person can be gushy and manipulatively nice, giving far too much that isn't proportionate, but cordiality is just decency, even if you don't like the person--again, think of people in real life. You don't have to be rude to the grocery store clerk because they annoy you; you generally try to be polite with the frustrating coworker. This is just the hopeful norm of a civil society.

Good post.

Thank you for this extremely well written and thought out post (that's me being real nice). Personally I enjoy the tone of discourse on this platform - it is by far the most supportive and positive platform I have been on. I increasingly prefer to be on Steemit / Dapps than on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc.

I came for the rewards but I stayed for the community

This seems to be how most steemians feel. Compare that to the way mainstream social media websites make people feel.

I came for the community but I left because it wasn't rewarding

I am so excited for Steemit in 2018! Anybody else feel like some BIG is about to happen?


Ok there are trolls on youtube and the fake not nice thing is so true, but when people are nice to get an upvote, it often results in dishonesty. Imagine you were rewarded for being nice, people will be so fake around you all the time. Learning takes place when things are questioned. When people are too scared to disagree, or to comment in a way that seems "not nice" they end up being silent about concerns or questions. When someone displays art or photography (which is also art), and all they get is "great post" and "good job", they also don't learn to improve. I saw someone's photo that was pretty bad. The focus was not great, and someone commented "wow, great focus" I almost fell off my chair. Even in science posts, people kitten foot around the topic of discussion and tend to agree with unsubstantiated claims and ideas. Guys... that defeats the objective of science as we know it. Science is about thought provoking ideas based on observations and it seeks to prove and to disprove.

Expressing disagreement and being nice are not mutually exclusive. We can hold completely different points of view about a topic and still be civil discussing our differences. In fact, without some measure of niceness, the conversation has no way of going anywhere meaningful. Disagreements or opposing viewpoints can be discussed without insulting another's differing view, something all too common on other social media platform.

No I totally agree, if you are unkind, people really build up walls and the intended learning that needs to take place ends up landing on deaf ears. I am more talking about the total agreeance on posts that would be out of character for the same person in real life. Things can be said in a way that is nice, but still in a way that provokes questioning and learning. Imagine your teacher at school marked your work in the same way that you get comments on your posts. I had a lecturer that did that in university. He did not read my assignments, then gave me an A, I never really knew how I really would have done. Was nice to get an A, but my learning was impeded. I am not talking about some of the good comments I see, I am talking about the 65% of pure fakeness I see in comments. You will see some in this very post (just my prediction haha). I also predict that not one person will, in a nice way, disagree with anything you said here. I also often see more upvotes on a post than people that have viewed it. Kindof defeats the purpose in my opinion. As of now, this is also the case for this post. Also the picture you posted about the liberals and the gun laws, there is no way that 100% of steemians would agree with that. In fact the current trend I have seen on steemit is that gun law changes is the way forward.

I must, however, say that I learned from this post. Trolls on social media are usually insecure about their own lives, then they paint a picture to the world that this is how humanity acts. People are in general pretty courteous and kind, sometimes a bit grumpy, but most of us are good on the inside.

Nice post @luzcypher

I think it is very difficult to fake kindness, just try to be kind to someone that really upsets you, it takes a lot of emotional control to do that, and the more control we have over our emotions, the more real we are, me thinks.

What is true is that in this platform we have an extra motive to engage with everyone else, for it gives us more opportunities within the community, opportunities that mean rewards, but as you say it above this applies for real world life as well.

So we might as well practice our kindness more and more, and become better persons.

Practicing kindness is a very worthwhile endeavor and besides, what's the alternative? A world full of assholes? No thanks. I prefer nice people to assholes any day. it's just more fun.

So on point. And I loved that interview.
Yes, Steemit's accountability is such a breath of fresh air.
Look, I'm generally an easy going, nice guy, but even I can get dragged into heated debates on Facebook and the like. Those platforms just inspire negativity.

The other perspective of being nice to each other on Steemit is that the more you practice something, the more you become that behaviour.
So the platform will recondition people out of the squabbling negative patterns and help remind them of how nice they actually are...

Great article, mate.


I've found steemit has made me a nicer person in real life.
Now, my default is to find something encouraging and supportive to say.
It might have been fake originally (or just me on my best behaviour), but its genuine now.

So you feel it has actually influenced you to behave more encouraging and supportive?

Makes sense. A toxic environment makes you more toxic; and a supportive environment makes you more supportive.

Incentivized or no, I like it. Steemit's the complete opposite of 4chan, which has raised rudeness to an art form or a game.

Just goes to show you that politeness and considerateness proliferate when there is a (potential) penalty for being an asshole.

Wait? You're just being fake nice to me? Man! I was being nice for real too! What a disappointment.

I was just reading a card from @mericanhomestead where he suggested steemians being pleasant (for the most part) may be a byproduct of having an armed platform, where everyone has flags (weapons) that they can use if you tick them off. It was an interesting take, but may not be without reason.

Hey, that's a good post and a good point you make. I've only been here for a week and have had to deal with the question of whether everyone here on Steemit is a broadcaster and whether there are enough consumers for the content of all channels. Like everyone's on stage, you know what I mean? (sorry my bad English)

The way people write articles on Steem is also influenced by the reward system. Of course, as a photographer I would like to be successful here and show my talent, but at the moment I am totally lost. So what! I've met some very interesting, nice people and I like the mixture.
Greetings from Leipzig.

Trolls on those other platforms aside, I do think there is a level of fakeness and ass kissing on Steemit. I have no stomach for it but I accept it as existing and just ignore it. I can only be myself. I will not go out of my way to insult someone because what's the point? If I give someone a compliment on here however, or anywhere for that matter it's sincere. My parents drilled it into my head that if you don't have anything nice to say, then say nothing. There's many times for example that an open mic entry is pretty good but not amazing, so I'll give it an upvote, but won't comment. I really don't believe in wasting words. It may not benefit me well to be this way but I have to be real.

That's a good way to be. I wish more people were. My biggest purpose of being here is to encourage others, though, since I don't yet provide content myself. So idk, if something isn't great, I'll still say good job just to watch the fuel it gives them to create more. I hate the money aspect here almost completely. I don't even really pay much mind to it. Might eventually, but it's not my real focus. I can tell it's not yours either. If it was then I probably wouldn't pay you much mind. Lack of sincerity. It is a problem. They exist, matter where you go.

I guess it really isn't my focus, I don't really think about it. I mean I'd love to make more, but I guess it will happen with time. I've found in life if you just go with the flow and do what you love to do it makes you happy and sometimes it does make you money. You can't take it with you and really it doesn't make you happy. Actually the more money I've had the more people ask me to "lend" it to them and when I do, I hardly ever see em again. shrugs

There's so much truth in this comment of yours. All of it's truth. I was just watching a man tonight who moved to Japan from England, decided, just because he liked it, to study under Japanese masters of woodblock printing, totally random subject, but he chose it and he loved it. And what? 20-30 years later he's completely supported on Patreon Twitch streaming as the Bob Ross of woodblock printing. You have to have a passion. And it's not guaranteed to pay, but sometimes it does and that makes for a neat story and life for you to have lived. Most of what he talks about is hindsight, about how he rushed through years and projects, hoping to become a 'master' and really the reward was right there in the act (and he never even realized that fully till after the fact, till after he lost dexterity in his hands and couldn't produce the prior quality of work he had at his peak). But that's the way it goes. We rush and rush and try to be experts by 25 at everything, and it's all for money. Everybody wants to get rich and when they get there then what do they get? A little comfort, a midlife crisis, and a trail of insincere sycophants who want something. The only person who really cares about you and the path you take is you. Go with the flow that's right for you and don't be swayed by promises, hopes for recognition. It comes to those who truly deserve it, otherwise to those with the most money. Everybody knows that. I know you know that. People who drop off the grid know this stuff. There's a lot to be said for going with your own flow, especially when you've removed constraints that would hinder you. I think you're probably on the right path if you have that mindset. You're a leap further than I am with it, for sure, if you're off grid already. It's all a shrug and a gamble, and that's life, and it's all over before you know it. Better be wise. Tangent, but oh well. You're sincere, you get that in return. My honest thoughts.

I'm a big fan of the polite, encouraging, welcome vibe on Steemit. Even if it's 15% fake, I'm ok with it. The snarky mean-spiritedness that's always present on YouTube and the like actually stop me from engaging, and I don't fear those types of responses here. I do find a few people (or maybe they're bots) that comment on my posts but their posts are out of context and meaningless. I think they're just trying to get upvotes, but I refrain from responding. All the positivity on this platform feels nice - keep it up Steemians!

Great post AND interview! Interesting to see Pakman already getting a lot of insight from those who have a deep understanding of Steemit.

You mentioned people flipping out over opinions and such in this post. What significant risk(if any) do you see in Steemians posting things likely to spark some moderate to high disagreement(politics/philosophy, maybe even reviews of movies, etc.?)

I ask because it seems to me that posts like this that are focused on informing us of how to be effective and successful on here aren't likely to get much pushback. If there's a scale of 0 to 100, with 0 being completely different from average reactions on YouTube and other similarly toxicity-filled sites and 100 being exactly as rough as those sites, how would you rate Steemit in terms of potential for getting people to really want to go after you? One reason I never made any such content regarding my views on topics that might be polarizing is not only the spamming/asshole comments, but also the ridiculous tactics like mass flagging and doxxing. Any advice/feedback on that? I don't even know that I'm considering doing such things, but I'm still very curious as to how it plays out here versus other sites.

Thanks for the post. Glad to find someone like this to follow so early on, and I definitely am taking interest in OpenMIC!

To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

Outlook not so good

Hi! I'm a bot, and this answer was posted automatically. Check this post out for more information.

good posting.

Hi my brother
Teach me to use better esteem and useful
In order to get more votes like you.
Thank you

As a good communicator I think I can sense ingenuity. I think we have the cream of the crop here. Too good to be true? Maybe a few are out for money but there are many more who actually mean to be supportive. It's the opposite other places. Great post. (I mean that). :). Joy

I want to learn from you how to get lots of voice and useful for others

Very soon those interviews available on Dlive. Are there planes for the Openmic with Dlive?

You are absolutely right, I agree with you,

Indeed some media are responsible for applying a bad example of how people determine their differences, but we tend to self-sponsor in our interaction ,,

In steemit I learned a lot, and gained a lot of experience and cooperation.

Thank you @luzcypher Your post is very useful

You said "I posit that the way people behave on Youtube is the abnormally "fake not-nice" behavior"... and I said "Bravo". Excelent post @luzcypher

Very good point on the reality. It is also same as with other social media like fb/Instagram and etc where cyber bullying is uncountable and strong. In steemit, you can only read positive posts and countable negativity. I guess it’s like people opt for a certain respect in each and everyone on this platform as with dtube.

Unfortunately you see it time and time again people just leaving meaningless fake nice comments just for an upvote. It lacks any genuine heart and people can be fearful of saying what they really think for fear of your rep being destroyed! Nothing has changed here on Steemit, when you involve money you bring in a fair amount of greed and desperation from people. Overall it's better than the abuse on YouTube but Steemit is still very young and big brave decisions have to be made in the future to align quality with reward here.

One could say they're fake nice, or it's bringing out the best inside of them. Whereas with YouTube, the platform brings out people's worst traits. But yes, I have this qualm with Steemit too.

I think yes Steemians are usually nicer because the rewards system. Nice comments usually have a better chance of being upvoted. Also, no one wants to get flagged. Some of us are nice in real life too though haha

el sistema de recompensas es un sistema que permite catalogar lo que es bueno en algunos casos, en otros lo que leo en el corot tiempo que tengo en steemit, es que la popularidad. pero valoro que el sitio sirva de ventana para artistas, como en un escenario pero virtual. del resto de las paginas de redes sociales también sirven para lo mismo solo que el administrador de publicidad es quien gana dinero con los contenidos. en steemit la gente puede ser ambla sea sincera o no, pero evalúa de cierta forma lo que le parece grato y le da un valor aparte de conocerse. Las redes no son de mi estima, porque muchas de ellas sirven para insultar o agredirse, pero ninguna para apreciar el trabajo de otros. ganen o no dinero con ello.

I think people are less inclined to speak their mind on here if they disagree with an post, especially for contests where authors' content is judged. Backlash for disagreements are harsh on Steemit. However, if it is a point that is important enough, and it needs to be said, then it is your responsibility to refute that person, regardless of potential consequences, period. The problem is if people support your resistance, they won't usually show it due to the same fear of backlash.

This post was really interesting. Thanks, Luz! I wrote a blog post inspired by this (you don't have to read, just thanking you for the inspiration).

I agree with you on this although we are starting to see the behavior you mention appearing on here. People are starting to degrade into flame wars personally attacking each other.

What you described is heard termed "cyber muscles". People are a lot braver sitting at their keyboard behind the anonymity of the Internet. If half those people did that in real life they would be slugged in the face.

It is hard for trollers to excel on Steemit. Since one's power is dependent upon the upvotes of others, being nice is necessary. While there is room for disagree, abusive behavior will quickly get one isolated.

The system has a "niceness" factor built in.

To an extent, it is true there's fake niceness but is that a bad thing??
I don't think so.

Considering that some ppl r already fake nice without steemit i would say yes ;)

I believe people in Steemit tend to be generally nicer because most people work hard towards reflecting a positive image. It's something that happens due to the monetary incentive and how the community works here. People work together to reach certain goals and are less likely to pay attention to trolls trying to stir up drama.

I like the preceptive you put this in. I have often thought people were being fake here on steemit but when you break it down to in a compassion between the way we act online and the way we act in real life it makes since. I guess I really have been using youtube and other social media sites as a way to gauge the way people act but that is not reality. So yeah beyond the low effort comments here it is refreshing to see people being respectful online with each other. Great Post

This are some cool thoughts on this subject @luzcypher! I too had gotten to the point where I believed the way people interact on youtube is the new normal.

When I learned about steemit I was shocked at the way people we're "fake nice", I actually read two or three posts about that very phenomenon. When I started interacting with people at first I did feel like it was a fake nice thing, but I still gave it some time and kept interacting and got to the same conclusion you did, people interact very similarly in here compared to the way the would if they were face to face. It's not fake nice, it's just civil and in most cases I have found it to be genuine, which makes me love this place even more hehe :)

I also agree with you, I hope our "fake niceness" makes assholes steer clear from the platform as we keep growing more and more! :)

I'm watching the whole interview now :)

I've run into this concern a number of times here, but I think it's obvious when someone is fake. The way we support one another here, to me, is more real than any other place I've ever run into. For example, my friends on this platform range from near zero sp to whales, and I don't give extra consideration to anyone based on what is in their wallet. And all of those I've come to know well are not the type to do so either. I think we all hunger for that connection and money is secondary to it. There are exceptions of course, but as I said, it's pretty obvious.
In your case, I admit that my brother joining the platform brought you to the forefront of my mind because of music. But if you weren't a great guy, I really wouldn't feel compelled to see what you were up to ;) And I'm glad I did.

Brother I love your post, I just want to put peanut butter and jelly on it and eat it right up. It is the best post of all time. The way you captured (insert subject here) and expanded on it was brilliant. I can't wait until you post another about (whatever the flock it's about).
I steemed resteemed and re resteemed, be sure to follow, stalk and add me to your tweety bird account friend.

I find a mix of genuine and 'fake' people here. I can tell them apart to some extent. I get people who want to be my friend even when we have little in common. I don't give them much time. Then there are others who are interested in discussion whatever I post about. I've got to know some of these pretty well and our discussions are not about making money. We would have the same discussions on other platforms that don't pay.

Just to get attention of big whales i needed to be good....there is contradiction as starting i learned on yourself! Then how come always everyone manage a good comment on every post......this is against the origianility that steemit relies on.@luzcypher you have taken words from my mouth. Even i was wondering how everyone manage so many good comments without any one is perfwct after all....even some one told me to b good with your comment
