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RE: @fulltimegeek Supports Blatant Racism - Is Steemit A Safe Haven for Racists?

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

I know for a fact you're taking moves right out of @haejin's book. The same shit he did to you over and over back in the day, the racism card I'll call it.

What's next, a retarded fake letter like that one he made up, remember

@berniesanders pay me to post open buttocks on @haejin:-My apology to steemit

loololol, Bernie, my lover... <3 <3 <3


There’s nothing fake about him supporting a racist. I know you’re blind to the real world, given your beliefs, but facts are facts.

I know you’re used to dealing with sheep who believe the earth is flat, etc. but most aren’t as ignorant as you are.

The blockchain doesn’t lie.

Good try.

ya ya and you're "racist" for kimjongpoo or whatever the fuck that page was. At least that's what everyone was all bent out of shape about. "Bernie the racist! And if you support him, you're racist too!" bla bla bla been here, done this.

The only thing you’ve done is show you’re nothing but a shill who ignores facts.

I know you’re trying to become relevant, but sorry hun, you’re failing.