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RE: Time

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Every second we age, we face the rapture of the gravity crushing against our outer beauties. Not even the botox can destroyed those facial lines. Time is only an attachment of our minds, pretty much nothing more than that.

Is gravity the hand of god or is it all that glorious evil we breathe in?



Think of what the thing called Time could be.
Its the flow of events that you can see.

We have an allotment of time to use at will,
But know your soul is what will pay the bill.

Even I have seen it move at different speed,
and you would never know where it would lead.

The faster you go the slower for you it will flow.
At the speed of light you may find you will glow.

Speed and motion are not its limitations in no way.
Some think it could even be used as a space gateway.

A line, curved, or spiral we could only hope to know.
May be one day we will learn but only time will show.

I could go on and on using up this time line fast.
Know this is where it would become our past.

I don`t believe in time. You want to know why?

Time is just a crime sentence, set for a mindset prison.