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RE: How I Walked Away From it All and Retired at 29 (and how STEEMIT is helping me)

in #steemit9 years ago (edited)

Such a nice write up ! You deserve my upvote for motivating so many people . Personally I live my life just like you do . I was 17 when I left my home town Vienna. Retirement is such a silly word but I recently was thrilled when I heard that Indonesia finally gives me a so called " pension visa " for Bali . I live here since 1999 and it was total madness applying and reapplying for all those years . it was hard to leave the country but now I got an official title " Pensionist " and yeah they let me come and go as I wish . Life goes on ! Travel a few month in Europe and then back to the tropics ! ITs awesome to be free ! maybe the moon next !