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RE: There is a disturbance in the steemit platform

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Carpenterbee, you have no idea how much I agree with you, indeed today nothing makes sense anymore. What used to be right now is wrong. The world is becoming uncivilized, everything is up-side-down, all moral values thrown out the window. Today is this presumption of guilt that one supposedly starts with, and has to defend against and prove otherwise to anyone who wants to attack that person. We are all considered guilty unless we can demonstrate otherwise, when dealing with entities that have some sort of power to take us down. The attacker gets more credit than the victim, and doesn't have to prove anything. It's sad and laughable at the same time, but those are the times we live in, that is why there is a need for change, this circus it's been going on for too long.


I think you said it all right there. It will not change until it hits a "enough is enough" point to cause change for the better.

Every thing that has been happening the last forty years or so up to today and the near future has been explained in revelations. I am not a church going person (explanation can be a blog post all on its own) but I have read the bible cover to cover multiple times, one phrase stands out to me now. "As in the days of Noah so shall it be"