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RE: Will Steem succeed or commit suicide?

in #steemit8 years ago

Yes it is like that and that's also completely fucked up. Why should being wealthy allow you to accrue more wealth for doing absolutely fuck all compared to someone doing hard physical labour every day? Such a system is pure insanity and the only possible outcome is the majority of wealth being funnelled to those at the top.

This is true even if everyone earns the same percentage - a poor person with $10 to invest could double their money to $20 making $10. Meanwhile the wealthy person who invested $1m in the same stock will earn $1m. Why should the wealthy person be able to earn $1m more than the poor person if they both did the exact same work? If you think that's fair, you must also think it fair to have a pay difference of 100,000:1 for two factory workers doing the exact same work.

This isn't a flaw in the system. The system was specifically designed to do this.

Like I said, the only way to sort it out is by using a system similar to progressive tax systems that dampens the power of those with the most SP and boost the power of those with the least. Those with the most SP still get the most SP, they just no longer get ridiculously greater amounts of SP.

Given that most of the devs and witnesses are ancaps though, I don't see it happening. What I do see happening is a rival platform not dominated by ancaps using a sensible distribution system rather than the idiotic system in use here. Just like the majority abandoned digg for reddit due to power users dominating the site, the majority will leave steam for the new system that isn't dominated by the wealthy.


@elfspice is making Calibrae. Check it out.