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RE: Thank you to whoever just updated Steemit Wallet to give a Red warning message whenever "Bittrex" or "poloniex" or any exchange is typd in, it reminds us we MUST have memo when sending to an exchange! No more accidentally sending 2 exchanges without memo!

in #steemit7 years ago

Steemit is lacking in a good user guide. Steemian make post when they find out new things but then they become quickly outdated when Steemit platform is updated but the posts remain forever with the outdated information. Is this the philosophy of Steemit that you have to do your own research about the platform through trial and error!


hey man come on! thts a bad way to look at it! theres no "philosophy" but yes u do have top learn on your own because NOONE is hired to do that! its all grass rootsd! its decentralized! Steemit is al user generated! sure theres a smal group who got it set up but now its just working on its own! so if you want a use guide u need to make one yourself!

We are tryng to make user guides! @tytran and some other users he knows are trying yto publihs a book! We need to have more youtube hguides to get people setup but look there is nothing you ned a uiser guide for steemit is too user friendly

if you mean u want a guide on how to make MONEY on steemiut well look Injstagram dosnt tach you how to crate good content youtuibe doesnt giveu a guide on how to create a good youtube channel

that is up to you!

but you are correct w DO need a user guide BUT its NONES fault! u should ve grateful steemit is here at all! Beggers cant be choosers! u get whjat u pay for! u cannot emand a service u never paiud for ! WHo would make a user guide when noone is being paid for that? But u COULD get paid if u make one! try making a user guide post! but u need to remember that this is ALl new and we have to build what we want!

this can be YOUR opportunity! u an TTALy make a user hguide and get RICH off it man! ythis can be zYOURtime to shine!!!!

Hi @ackza totally understand that you need to find out more yourself, its part of the journey to discover more about the platform and its potential. There are little things that newbies need to know for example one of the main component about Steemit is blogging and the markdown formatting is not very well explained.

Steemit is the first time that I have been exposed to markdown as I don't frequent other sites that uses markdown. Since finding out about markdown I have also found out that not all markdown are the same and Steemit is no different. I have been using a feature of markdown one day then the next day the feature did not work and I was a little confused only to find out a little later on that there were changes made.