Steemit going VIRAL!

in #steemit9 years ago


As we speak, steemit new accounts are raining in at an unprecedented pace, I first noticed a huge increase in new accounts each time I ran my daily stats script, so I decided to take a closer look at where all these new accounts are coming from, and the results were amazing!

The main conclusion is that the new accounts are resulting from new registrations on, unlike the old days where mining was the main source of new accounts, it seems now there is a rush from outside of the crypto community with registrations peaking to a few thousands per day sometimes.

The following chart shows an exponential growth of new accounts registered through starting from mid-July:

Cumulative overall new accounts chart:


You can see that the red line took a drastic turn up, while the other lines kept their normal growth rate, if this chart tells us anything it’s that steemit reached audience beyond crypto, which is really exciting! And promising!

In our next chart, we take a closer look at new accounts registrations over the past 15 days, we can see the average new daily registration is around 1200, yes 1200 new members daily in average!

15 days steemit new accounts chart:


It’s really huge for a website that fully launched about a month ago!

Our last chart shows that now, accounts for nearly 97% of new accounts creation, while miners account for 2.7% and CLI wallet account creations for 0.3%


There are definitely big days ahead of us, with steemit going viral, and expanding out of the crypto sphere. It’s certainly the first crypto project that took this decisive step.

This is gentlemen !!!

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Great info. I can see a true shift in my Facebook throngs that I convinced to come in here. They are all making decent money now and my artist friend, just made it to the 2nd place with her story about the airport in Himalayas. All of her posts are doing quite well now, as she is a talented artist. I think she and others are hooked now. They have abadoned facebook, actually most of us have formed our own Steemit facebook groups, which is a great way for us all to promote eachother's posts and keep up with things on steemit! I'm in 3 Steemit Facebook groups! it's bizarre! I've learned new information though through those groups and it's an intimate way to get acquainted with Steemians! This is great news! I feel that in 6 months, we'll be looking at well over 200,000 or even more. We need to make newer jobs for everyone besides writing!

Thanks, @stellabelle. You got me hooked. My confidence has soared. And I'm humbled by the comments on everything I post. I cannot believe how my life has changed in one month. On Thursday I got an email that would have destroyed me a few short weeks ago - they cancelled my color and composition class I was supposed to start teaching August 29th. I have to say I was relieved. But it was a sobering reminder of the dangers of depending on others for your income.

Yes, best to depend upon yourself.

Thank you for your input, actually I have never been a social media guy myself, although I have been a software engineer since the early nineties and my work have been focused on internet technologies, but neither Facebook or Twitter caught my attention, I never got hooked to any of those, but something about Steemit is really different, it’s decentralized and fairly anonymous, and actually paying good money for good content. I’m sure something big just started here. I would never have imagined I would get hooked to a social media platform like Steemit, but I did.

I think I’m going to need your wonderful secret writer service soon to write my story: “confessions of a steemoholic” :D

Thanks again!

I guess I am in a unique category because I taught myself how to build websites back in the early days. I did some programming also and have been obsessed with digital media from the early times. I always viewed the early social media sites, Friendster and Myspace as a way to share my art and create colloaborative projects. I was always pushing the envelope in some way, trying to add some functionality to the platforms. If anything, I'm a collaborator, have been since early times but I'm a loner as well, and I much prefer to be at a computer than out at a party. Creative ideas when combined with technology has been my mainstay and I pretty much taught myself everything as far as computer graphics/editing/video goes. Steemit, for me is a great culmination of all the work i've been doing both in computer art to collaborating with others. It's a dream actually....

For me it’s a culmination of blockchain and social media, it’s a powerful match for sure.
Enjoyed reading your words, as always :)

@stellabelle.. I want to highlight what you said that should be a spotlighted discussion,

We need to make newer jobs for everyone besides writing!

Agreed. Steemit can absolutely be an incubator for decentralized, steem powered powered jobs, maybe even steem powered products and services. I even envision a day where a decentralized company will also be the largest decentralized employer. Truly a company, furthermore an economy, for the people by the people.

Would love to hear your ideas.

ACtually, each person needs to self-create their own job. Look at @roelandp, @fyrstikken, and hell, look at me. I do several jobs in Steemit, many more than most people as I take commenting and giving people support very seriously. I also take creativity very seriously as that is what i do best: generating ideas, bringing people together and hopefully lessening the existential pain we all feel!

Well, I'm in touch with say, some of the whales, I can say for sure that the vision is to have a marketplace and more soon! Think about it, I'd rather spend my Steem Dollars instead of going through the trouble of converting them. I have certain needs that are going unmet currently. I'm also thinking big because I live in a community and could potentially be buying land. I am interested in cultivating the idea of Steem in a physical realm too. Therefore, the commerce could be even more stable, with people living together, and doing their work using Steem power and never having to venture outside of Steem.

@stellabelle: I was thinking about what you said today about "each person needs to self-create their own job." And, it gave me an idea.... (I also checked out @roelandp and @fyrsikken.... Right on the money.)

The more I thought about what you said the more I realized that there's a lot of people on here who are probably working hard to create their own job and could actually create physical products and services that could be steem powered. I believe #Steem'sGotTalent...

So, my idea is to organize Steemit's first ever hackathon/pitch competition to highlight and jump start steem powered products and services! To ensure people are on the right track, founders,dev, and whales can reverse pitch to the community on needs the community has. They will also make plenty of steem in the process. Furthermore, I would invite you, @stellabelle, to be one of the judges if you're interested in selecting the winner which you would make a lot of steem in the process as well.

Lastly, since it's not all about the steem.. I will be giving all the steem gained from "hosting" the hackathon/pitch competition as a prize to the winner that will be selected by the judges, one of whom will be the steemit community itself. The newfound funding will give the winning team resources to execute on their product and service which will make steemit even more valuable in the long run.

Win. Win. Win.



Without momentum fades, it is increasing the number of account.
The fact that our new fellow is also increasing this moment, is very gratifying.

Nice to see that the community is growing. Really happy about this. I look forward to the day steemit will have its first billion users! :)

it was very nice,, what really every day of registration to join in steemit 1200

@masteryoda, do you have a typo maybe in your last sentence: "This is gentelemen !!!"? It seems like there is something missing there ;)

Great stats and great to see that Steem is growing so much on a daily basis!

Actually it's not a typo, it's spelled like that, you can google it.
It's funny because all crypto people know it, it proves my point, that steemit exited the crypto sphere :)

Just checked and you are right. It seems that steem did exit the crpyto sphere then :D Honestly I have never heard of it like this. I thought that it should be this is it gentlemen... Learned another thing today, so that is not bad either :)

Keep up the great work on the stats!

@masteryoda Steemit about to go parabolic.

Nope, go to my profile for the real stats. It's all much less impressive than you think.

The numbers are accurate, parsed from the blockchain, not sure what you're talking about, I have the data dumps!

The numbers from the blockchain are accurate, but not the numbers you made up and your conclusions. It's not 1200 new daily users on average for example and as more people mentioned new daily account creations aren't exponential either.

I'm interested in your stats but I'm having trouble finding anything in your profile. Please post a direct link.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4@smooth ok fine, her you go:


I just learned something on steemit!

it was very cunningly) By the way, good news from you.

Speed typing me thinks ;-)

You are entirely right, he put an unnecessary space before the exclamation mark.
The right writing should be "This is gentlemen!!!"

My Facebook Social experiment in Steemit confirms this growth data. I will explain. Many times I made public post on my FB page about Crypto (mostly Bitcoin) with little response or questions. Now that I shared the posted about how a girl made $30,000 in her first make-up toturial I had at least 10 people asking me questions how it works and where to sign up!

Great stats and info. Interesting stuff!

Awesome news. We still grow :)

Jesus man, I got to take the same vitamins you do. Awesome as always... great data presented well!

Lots of people are coming in because steemit is a very interesting platform. It thought a lot from learning to earning.

Some day people will say, "Wow, I can't believe you were one of the first 50,000!"

Thank you for keeping us in the loop, @masteryoda! ;)

Good! everyone should steem :)

Good one, couple days back I thought it is growing exponential pace. And his proves that technology is working handling that many number of users and when mobile app starts to accept sign up, I believe it will increase even more.

👍nice post @masteryoda

This indeed could be it... ladies and gentlemen! :)

Just to think that we've doubled our userbase in the last 2 weeks alone.

Very soon we will hit 50k users here

This is what we have been waiting for @masteryoda . Thanks for the feedback. Hope to see many more people joing this platform


💯 % Supported n Follow 😋 😎👌🍸☀️🙂
Happy Days👍 Love to see master @masteryoda using the Rocket

Viral City! Thanks for update @masteryoda Good Morning!!!

Wow I'm blown away by the success of this site but not surprised by it's popularity. Can't wait to see what this evolves into. Very exciting to be on the Steemit Train....

This is why I think Steem Price is ready fo another run.

Steemit: A viral-ing we shall go! :)

Wow - this could steemit thing could really be huge! I can't believe it's only been public for less than a month.

I think that many of those new registrations might be related to the article in the Huffington Post... the timing matches:

hmmm... actually it's not viral... yet. In a cumulative chart, if it was viral, the curve would have an exponential curve shape not a steady linear shape (from july 8th to august 4th) It even shows a decline as for now.
Moreover it is an acquisition chart. Which mean we cannot interpret the virality correctly. It's the DAUs & retention charts that can tell more effectively if the service is viral or not.

Looks pretty exponential to me on the first chart:


once again it's a cumulative chart aka "vanity metric" we don't use this kind of metrics to judge the virality of a product. Look at the new accounts/day (non cumulative): if you had a "y = ax +b" curve with a !=0 then you'll have a 'real' exponential curve on your cumulative charts

I perfectly get your point, let me post you an extra chart, below is the monthly linear (non-cumulative) chart, you can see it shows an exponential growth as well. The growth is really exponential, not just linear (y=ax+b) we have something that looks more like (y= exp(ax) with a>1/2).


Of course for a monthly chart where you take into account stats prior to the 4th of july you'll have this kind of curve, as most of the new users came from the month of july... What happen before 4th of july is what i would call a pre-launch. So it should not be taken into account.

And as right now we are in august, having a monthly chart where only july count, doesn't provide any sufficient data imho to conclude that Steemit has reached escape velocity.

For me when on the account creation per day chart ( the curve will go up to the north then it will be trully viral (not counting once again DAUs or retention rate)

Total accounts doesn't say anything about abandoned accounts no longer in use, which I documented to be in the realm of 85% abandonment rate.

Also plotting on a non-logarithmic chart makes a constant rate of increase look exponential which is mathematically incorrect. See my other comment on this page for more information.

It's not exponential. It's just 2 linear lines in a row. If you want more accurate stats go to my profile @calamus056 and watch the 3 part statistics articles i released.

@anonymint, abandonment, which is difficult to accurately measure anyway, can be almost entirely ignored as a growth statistic if you compare active accounts over time. Daily active has been growing significantly and is now close to 6000 from being closer to 4000 not long ago (1-2 weeks IIRC, but I don't have hard numbers). I'm not sure about the weekly-active numbers as I haven't paid attention to it.

I agree with the earlier comments that: 1) constant growth is not exponential; and 2) there isn't enough data to conclude much yet, except that there is steady, but still kind of slow growth, even after factoring in abandonment.

I've tried reasoning with these kind of posts before, it's not useful. Just board the hype/vanity metrics train and enjoy your steem.

Normaly I would be de morilized at a new blog etc. Steem changes that and rewards good content. This is the best ting besides the internet it self.

I wonder if there is a way to see from where the signups have come from. I bet many are from facebook and instagram too! Steemit has been trending on those two lately.

@masteryoda Could u plz point to the source from where u r getting these charts from?

Excellent post, what a revelation; well done steem!!! With the extraordinary diversification of contributors only magical things can happen!!

This is exciting I dont know why and cant explain it but it feels like I have the power to write and share anything thats on my mind instantly around the world without fear

A positive trend! The exponential growth might mean Steem might skyrocket again due to increased demand.

Fantastic post. I really hope that this platform takes off. We are looking at the cutting edge of social media.

i joined steemit from visiting i had never heard of steemit until few weeks ago.

Nice information @masteryoda

Great information. Thanks

Love these posts, masteryoda. Wow - it's kind of unbelievable. I guess steemit's popularity speaks volumes about the appeal of being rewarded for producing our best work. We must keep forging ahead!

Thank you, your posts are amazing!
Indeed Steemit appeal is big especially for good authors. This is just the beginning of a wonderful journey!
Thanks again!

I am excited to see what this platform will look like in five years.

Thanks, @masteryoda - I appreciate that...

Great post. I am soo excited about steem, even though I'm a newbie with no following, nothing. I want it to take over all social media, even traditional news networks etc. I see a great potential in it. :D

Saludos desde Venezuela, espero ganar mucho dinero con esto.

Nice post

Great stats !

The excitement on social media has reached fever pitch! This is a great time to be alive right now! I can only imagine with the next six months will bring!

well i have just powered up my Steem and so this is great news for me and well everyone else too of course !! Although of course i have invested my Bitcoins into this site to have a financial reward of some kind in the given time frame !! But my reason for truly investing and for the long haul is that i believe in the model and ethics of this site and its ability to give voice to people around the world, so that they may share their lives and experiences to others. That they may discuss the problems they face, the solutions, the possibilities are endless and i truly believe that this total crypto based social community may have a significant role to play in bringing round a brighter world with more equality and harmony !! Steem on to the brighter day brothers and sisters of the Steemian world !!

That is actually not a positive sign. With viral growth, we should observe rate of account signups increasing exponentially. If you consider the 85% abandonment of accounts which I documented, this looks like roughly in the realm of replacement and not significantly growing usership.

I think Steemit has a very positive momentum now, which will probably yield positive results.Without going into the number details again, like discussed with @jako before (I could not reply to his last reply, but let’s agree to disagree :) ), my post aimed to highlight 2 points, first the big growth in new accounts comparing to the past few months, and the democratization of a crypto based project beyond the usually closed crypto world.

This is very low actually.

Nice observation! However I think we need not only new users but a demand for Steem itself. Here is my proposal on how to achieve that.

@everythink How did you put that link in there with the words "Here is my proposal", if you don't mind me asking, representing the link? That is rad! I would like to do that so when I am looking through my trade journal on steemit, I can quickly link to what I am talking about like you.

just type sqare brackets before and after your text and put the link itself in normar brackets right after sqare brackets.
Like this: {The text}(The link) only instead { } use [ ]

Thanks! One mistery less

Good tip. If you want to be able to explain markup without having to sub symbols etc, just use the 'escape character'. Which is \ this tells the markup that you just want to display the text. So your example would be
[The text](The link)
To get it, you type:
\[The text](the link) with the backslash first

I have high hopes for Steemit, I just fear that in the Cryptosphere you may see far more supports for a platform that integrates payment for content in Bitcoin rather than its own form of token.
But obviously that platform wouldn't have had the rather large payments, because it would have to be coming from the people voting/supporting, rather than in the case of Steemit payments coming from a newly created coin that is rapidly growing in popularity.

guys, it is just cybersquatting. Look at the nicknames of those new accounts. And look at their posts. There are no one post. You should not find free "microsoft", "apple", "samsung". They are already someone's. I can say even more. Almost every english word consisting of three letter - already cybersquated. Every popular english word as well.

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