Steemit INC is protecting Satanic Pedophiles by censoring this story from Seattle

in #steemit8 years ago

Three 80 year old Satanic pedophiles who have been killing and raping kids their entire lives were just arrested in Seattle. The report specifically mentions the men had Satanic manifestos and guides on how to do Satanic Rituals involving child abuse.


I don't doubt the subject matter, but David Semen? Really?! He doesn't exactly have the cleanest record or the purest motivations.

 8 years ago  Reveal Comment

Yeah, that'll really help you recover on Steemit. Upvote your own comment. lol
I didn't "hear a rumour", I've been watching him and other shills and agents much like him for months and years. Take a few steps back from the canvas and look for the patterns here. Semen and others like him are artificially propelled at strategic moments in the narrative to moderate and filter the flow of information. This movement would be lightyears ahead of its current stagnated position if it spent less time sucking these peoples' dicks.

 8 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment

With that stellar personality I can see how you've made the leaps and bounds here which you have. You know, to the average person, dishing out irrational accusations like that makes you look clinically paranoid or an agent yourself.

Backlash doesn't vindicate anyone. That's way too simplistic. Sometimes it happens because the person is genuinely problematic and often times it's "shills, shilling shills, shilling shills." Like that huge drama between Semen and Nathan Stolpman. A great clue is when these people actually take the time to argue with each other.

 8 years ago  Reveal Comment

There you go. Proving that everyone who put you at -15 reputation was right to do so. A disgusting Human Being, cursing another to Hell. Don't you know that to harm another is to harm oneself? I've been very nice to you, but you had to bring to a personal place. I really don't envy you at all, with that load you carry.