Absolutely. If you wouldn't normally blog but come here to do so for money, you're probably going to burn out pretty easily.
If however, you've always wanted to put your thoughts and activities online, this is hands down the best place to do that.
I was lucky to make 5c a post in my first few months, but I didn't care because I just wanted a permanent, free place to get some of these concepts out of my head.
If I'm hit by a truck tomorrow my kids will have a record of who their Dad was.
That's what drew me here in the first place.
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I'd been putting a few blogs on a weebly platform, but had no real idea how to get views to it. So this was the opportunity to get a few eyes with a small chance of earnings. I certainly got more communication here than with any other attempts. Although sharing about gardening isn't really a crowd pleaser! Lol!