This platform's algorithm is more gay than Liberace's pool boy. Such tremendous potential has been squandered on an algorithm that actively rewards the most cringey consensus-forcing, debate-strangling Stepford Wives smiling bullshit imaginable. This place feels like a daycare filled with middle-aged men wearing rompers and playing patty-cake together, lest they not get paid.
I hope you all choke, and I hope you downvote this post into the ground. Seriously. Your steem credits are as worthless to me as they'll be to the exchanges when somebody comes along and bothers to rip off absolutely everything about this innovative platform but its hilariously bad reward system.
I'm just here because of the blockchain censorship protection features, and my audience are people who click over from Gab. If you found this from within the SteemIt ecosystem itself, please give this post a downvote and then piss off.
Show some respect to others, there are better ways to express your opinion.
Do you agree or disagree with my analysis of the STEEM reward system?
I don't know why do you really have to use the tag
here. You'd better show, at least , some respect to others since this is an open space for everyone. Or if you really want to get pissed off yourself, do not use any tag please.You are a traitor to your nation by aligning with your American imperial overlords.
Stop farting around on this silly platform and go assist your Dear Leader in defending your people from the globalist hellstorm.
Also, if you can help me translate some episodes of Squirrel and Hedgehog into English for me, I can pay you in crypto. Thanks in advance.