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RE: Nasty individual on Steemit

in #steemit7 years ago

Thanks, I DO hate a bully and he did have a point,.... BUT he himself is becoming a bully by the path he's taking. I do get it. I'm a Certified Personal Trainer and Sports Nutritionist. I also have been fat. I totally get it from both sides but his SJW path leads to waaay more pain on this earth. Thanks again Brah!


The fat thing came up because a bit back I posted a video about the girl that gave the TED talk about how its wrong for doctors to tell their paitents they are unhealthy for being fat or they need to lose weight is a bad thing died at a young age because she was unhealthy.
He was originally mad about me posting about asking if antifa supporters are now terrorist simpathisers after antifa was considered a terrorist orginaziation, then it was because i was posting quran verses, then after he called me a nazi I said fuck commies, fuck nazis, fuck antifa and fuck blm. Next step he tried to take was fat people.
I hate Marxist SJW fools. He couldnt get me to stop so he calls on other SJW's to help him make me do what he wants.
They have a mute, no reason to follow me and flag me.

Yes, me too. I hate a bully. I am a very right leaning libertarian. I believe in freedom. With a small government. Freedom also means having the right to be wrong even an asshole. We all have those rights too. They are needed. I don't agree with being hateful but no one has a right to not have their feelings hurt THAT IS NOT A RIGHT. It promotes a cycle of weakness. Gravity/resistance produces strength. I wish I could get strong by just complaining but I cant not in a way that I can live with myself that is... but I wrote up a post that I will put up soon that he definately influenced me on. "What I've learned" watching Arrow. not all of the writeup mind you but thoughts of him were in some of it. Hope he reads it and gets some new thoughts. Emotions usually get you in trouble... Gotta get that write up polished so I can put it up.. thanks for the heads up on the info though. I will keep my head on a swivel.

I kept telling him that i'm not giving offence he is taking it.
Freedom of speech is needed to protect the unpopular opinion because the popular opinion does not need defending.
You cant keep everyone happy, there will always be someone to get upset about something.