Bid Bot Usage Report for 02/09/2018
In the last 24 hours, 1818 users spent $48,570.85 to buy 4911 votes from bots. The approxamate USD value of all votes bought within the last timeframe is $56,899.74.
Top Bid Bot Users by Bid Value
Username | # of Votes Bought | SBD Sent | $ Value of Bids | $ Value of Votes Recieved |
@followbtcnews | 5 | 321 | $1,147.89 | $815.18 |
@cloudconnect | 3 | 256 | $913.85 | $494.55 |
@hiroyamagishi | 6 | 195 | $696.11 | $781.14 |
@sorucevap | 6 | 182 | $650.83 | $476.16 |
@tradewonk | 4 | 160 | $572.15 | $703.80 |
@bunnypuncher | 40 | 155 | $556.06 | $629.29 |
@vladivostok | 9 | 146 | $520.31 | $603.59 |
@dobartim | 18 | 132 | $471.40 | $523.29 |
@gmichelbkk | 3 | 130 | $464.88 | $67.10 |
@fyrstikken | 1 | 123 | $440.41 | $421.46 |
Most Frequent Bid Bot Users
Username | # of Votes Bought | SBD Sent | $ Value of Bids | $ Value of Votes Recieved |
@blockgators | 63 | 115 | $418.59 | $276.44 |
@hakanlama | 48 | 15 | $52.92 | $85.41 |
@aiyanna | 46 | 42 | $150.29 | $182.10 |
@bunnypuncher | 40 | 155 | $556.06 | $629.29 |
@discernente | 32 | 33 | $117.11 | $162.85 |
@amayahaley21 | 27 | 23 | $81.17 | $84.09 |
@ran-a-banana | 25 | 5 | $17.45 | $15.65 |
@colinbrazendale | 24 | 44 | $157.52 | $197.35 |
@firatozbek | 24 | 7 | $26.46 | $26.81 |
@busegarg | 20 | 2 | $5.55 | $7.41 |
Largest Bid Bots by Recieved Bid Value
Bot Name | # of Votes Sold | SBD Recieved | $ Value of Bids | $ Value of Votes Sold |
@upme | 415 | 2,825 | $10,101.09 | $13,015.39 |
@buildawhale | 291 | 2,347 | $8,404.72 | $9,063.25 |
@appreciator | 271 | 1,780 | $6,365.08 | $7,544.39 |
@postpromoter | 360 | 1,437 | $5,677.38 | $7,243.43 |
@booster | 214 | 1,103 | $4,168.95 | $3,713.93 |
@jerrybanfield | 250 | 609 | $2,344.67 | $3,022.57 |
@boomerang | 169 | 544 | $2,168.02 | $2,686.27 |
@upmyvote | 158 | 572 | $2,047.10 | $2,360.77 |
@pushup | 163 | 470 | $1,869.70 | $1,943.78 |
@sneaky-ninja | 246 | 359 | $1,285.09 | $1,565.76 |
At the time this report was generated STEEM was trading at $4.15 and SBD was trading at $3.58 based on data from CoinMarketCap.
This is an automated report. If you believe anything included in this report is errenous, contact @maxg and I'll get back to you ASAP.
Bots are assumed to have upvoted at full power each time
STEEM bids are omitted for space purposes but are included in totals
Bid Bots are pulled from the config at SteemBotTracker
Looks like the top users are getting negative %ROI after the 25% curation.
Huh, it looks like my code double-counted some transfers that got refunded. Let me check that out.
And yes- they get negative ROI but they also secure a spot on Trending. If a user overpays for a vote, they also make it harder for every other author who paid SBD to gain publicity.
I was wondering why some people send bids to the bots even when showing a negative ROI. But I guess they see it as a potential bump to the trending page as you mentioned. For example @gmichelbkk spend $464.88 to receive $67.10.