Bid Bot Usage Report for 02/11/2018

in #steemit7 years ago

Bid Bot Usage Report for 02/11/2018


In the last 24 hours, 1864 users spent $67,854.47 to buy 5505 votes from bots. The approxamate USD value of all votes bought within the last timeframe is $84,086.58.

Top Bid Bot Users by Bid Value

Username# of Votes BoughtSBD Sent$ Value of Bids$ Value of Votes Recieved

Most Frequent Bid Bot Users

Username# of Votes BoughtSBD Sent$ Value of Bids$ Value of Votes Recieved

Largest Bid Bots by Recieved Bid Value

Bot Name# of Votes SoldSBD Recieved$ Value of Bids$ Value of Votes Sold


At the time this report was generated STEEM was trading at $4.30 and SBD was trading at $4.69 based on data from CoinMarketCap.

This is an automated report. If you believe anything included in this report is errenous, contact @maxg and I'll get back to you ASAP.

Bots are assumed to have upvoted at full power each time

STEEM bids are omitted for space purposes but are included in totals

Bid Bots are pulled from the config at SteemBotTracker


It would be interesting to know how many percents of the total upvote volume in that period has been achieved by using the bots.

Do you have any figures about this?

Not off the top of my head. The bots shown in the chart above have a combined USD vote value of around $70k, so assuming their vote value is relatively constant day-to-day we could assume they're responsible for 7*70=$490k per week of votes. lists the USD value of the rewards fund as $2,900k which would make bots responsible for about 17% of all rewards dispersed on Steemit. Of course it's actually much more complex than that with reward shares and whale participation and a bunch of other things, but that seems like a reasonable ballpark figure.

One one hand this is not as much as I expected, on the other hand it is already a pretty big chunk of entire upvotes. I still have mixed feelings about using upvote-bots but it seems inevitable if you aim to be successful. I still consider myself as minnow. What is your position?

You just planted 2.21 tree(s)!

Thanks to @maxg

We have planted already 2590.883 trees
out of 1,000,000

Let's save and restore Abongphen Highland Forest
in Cameroonian village Kedjom-Keku!
Plant trees with @treeplanter and get paid for it!
My Steem Power = 18399.64
Thanks a lot!
@martin.mikes coordinator of @kedjom-keku

thanks for the great sharing informative