It wows and mesmerizes me how someone can completely change somebody else's life miles a way with just a few upvote clicks. That is really something unique and absolutely heart touching. With level of poverty more si in third world countries, steemit and steem will probably be a game changer. I am Kenyan and unfortunately there aren't as many Kenyans on the steemit platform. Many of them are not so farmiliar nor conversant with the blockchain technology. The most popular crypto here is bitcoin and maybe Etherium.
That is why i plan to come together with my fellow Kenyan steemians so that we can plan on setting up a physical steem hub here in Nairobi, which will also be a blockchain tech school. Since i have been an entertainment event organizer, i also plan to organize steem events and seminars in Kenyan Universities and schools. It's time to preach steem and i'm so determined.
Haven't pitched this idea anywhere else but after reading your post i got this fire and zeal to do it.
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