The 1022 followers thanksgiving, you just made my day

What a deep joy and enormous excitment my heart is filled with today.I wish all steemians here could feel the speaking voice of these words l am sharing.I have been to this wonderful community since June 2017 and it has so far been brilliant.
As it has always being,I got up right from bed and nothing got my mind filled with than to get connected to steemit.
OMG!!! I only checked to realize l have over 1022 followers and am like so much happy.I certainly had to put off any other message l have to share and give a very significant recognition to this milestone achievement..
I have long waited for this achievement days back thinking it was something that will never get closer..
In this regard, l write to say many a thousand plus thank you to everyone here on steemit who has included me to his followers.You again deserve to be honored.
the journey so far
As the days unfold,I get more and much more impressed with the direction this platform is really taking.
The great hard forks,changes and special recognition for members which I still look forward to seeing the best it has for the world.Going through my followers introduced to a beautiful website by @shaunmza for a very good analysis of followers...
This is a screenshot of my followers in their entirety
The graph above shows all my Follows, Unfollows, and Mutes.
The blue vertical bar lines on the chart are my actual followers, and the pink bars on top of the blue are my unfollows. It is important to examine the unfollows too, because to understand them is the key to converting them back to a follow! If you can understand why they left it could be invaluable information to have.
A Special recognition
- They are amazing;
I am in very special way giving so much thanks to a very few followers who have never missed any single post l have ever made since they found me..Its always a great feeling seeing how supportive they really are.
@nanzo-scoop @mummyimperfect @ak2020 @mughat @mafeeva @geovani4-ril @hr1 @gyzimo @w4c @xiaoshancun @dswigle and many others .
- My family;
I just just cant do without my family in this celebration.They all follow me..This is so good news. #Teamghana I mean. I am thanking you guys for the love and support..To mention a very few, @tj4real @yeezianity @anaman @collinz @andrekweku @kwakumax @odsam2 @richforever @jakemore @othniel @emmanuelacheamp @thepsalmic and all the newbies who just joined the community..I am so much grateful to you all.
A very special thanks also to these amazing communities for their immense love for my success too
#africaunited #nigeria #PAL network on discord, #thewritersblock and many others.
- My greatest thanks;
I have always believed theres greatness in gratefulness.Its greater to be grateful to the one who made you great.My stay here on steemit would not be as now if not for the love,support and direction of these great people I have ever known here on steemit.They make me strong and unique one.. - @thejohalfiles
- @ackza
- @tytran
- @randowhale
- @adept
- @sweetsssj
- @dragonslayer109
- @futurethinker
- @surpassinggoogle
- @thinknzombie
My lips will never cease to say THANK YOU especially @ackza and his friend @tytran ....It was so amazing the first time l got hooked up with you on discord..Let me also say a very BIG THANKS to you @ackza once again for the 20steem you freely sent me...That day was filled with so much joy...And not only do you support me and #teamghana too, my existence here has being moving so well just because of your direction..A lot are underway to be done as you have always suggested..This is a screenshot of the free 20steem you gifted me which my gratitude is highly expressed.
The voice on discord has always being good with you guys.
The next step;
Its all about the #promo-ghana which l look forward to getting things highly intensified..A project is underway as always directed by @ackza and @tytran to help reach as many Ghanaian youth to be here on steemit too.No limitation to target group.From campus to street,church,work,movies,markets,hospitals and any other avenue where the campaign must surely reach.The love shown to me here is highly incredible.Its the only reason the project is all about #promo-ghana ..Undoubtedly, there are difficulties in signing up some members and others have to wait for days before getting their account approved..Data has being the biggest challanege here in Ghana as well but this never stops some of us from getting connected and help others onto the milestone anyway..
I am glad steemit has brought to my life such an amazing people like you...Am so much grateful.
I just hope to see a higher milestone being achieved in the days ahead.But until then,this is my utmost gratitude l am duly expressing to all my followers and to those whose my success on steemit is dependent on.
well done mcsamm, you are doing so well, and I hope to see you continue your wonderful journey!
Am more than grateful to you...seeing here is a nice pleasure...good to have someone like you to make #teamghana the best we could ever be..Thank you @sweetsssj
Thank you so much for replying to those under you in steempower, its really important for us and youre REALLY becoming a great leader!Thank you so much for commenting on @mcsamm , seeing a post by a great steem whale like you is VERY inspirational! is the BEST online crypto club! I feel like we need our OWN website for Team Ghanahah I love seeing @kotturinn and @mughat faces here!
Would you like me to register a domain for you guys? It is only $3 to $10 fr a whole year and we can get like or or or or we will pick a good ione, ane we can redirect the website to come STRAIGHT to a steem post!
A domain for #teamghana?? That will be perfect. Cant wait to see that..we really need to work harder and achieve every good thing you have suggested on helping us grow steem...thanks again @ackza
congratulations for your 1000 followers. Well done
Thank you too @collinz ....getting this is like something that was never going to will surpass this very soon bro
Congrate bro... I was wondering if we have a community yet???!
Sure you are followed @kofpato
Thanks bro @mcsamm... Lets talk more on #discord bro
How do i get you on discord bro??
This my name there... kofpato
Please pm me!
Link up, we are fast growing..... Let's make it happen
Ok bro @anaman
Well done mcsamm ...and keep It up..
Amazing, I'm happy for you bro.
Let's keep growing..... We are yet to get to the spring board
Sure,thanks buddy @anaman
I also say thank you for introducing me to #steemit will never forget that.
And you are really making it bigger...keep doing the good work @odsam2
Thank you for Using #promo-steem tag, Promote steemit by inviting your friends and your family!
happy seeing you @dmemes
Amazing congrats you achieve a milestone. Very very happy to see this...
And very very happy seeing you once again @amitraj
Congratulations man
Thank you @w4c
Well done mcsamm ...and keep It up..
And you are amazing..good to share love with you.#teamghana rocks....keep working harder @jeeandmee
congrats bro...we hope to get there soon too..steem on
you need to keep working harder bro..theres no place like steemit..all the happiness and the best people are just right here at your doorstep.thank you too @aquatp2
than you
thanks sir. im also your a lucky follower.
Am glad to see you..and l am too @nishchup
tnx dear
Great job man #teamghana is going to go VERY far with leaders like you and @tj4real and @richforever and @kwakumax
we will see you guys take things to the NEXT level soon! I can forsee a future where every small and large business has STEEM/SBD options for payments... it will be easy to convince them.. just show them how much money people like has made accepting Bitcoin... all the money they receive as payment has only gone up in value! So anyone who wants to simply accept crypto as payment will simply make money by just HOLDING that crypto!
It is a simple way to get bitcoins for cheap, to simply accept them as payment for a product or service!
Just imagine when we see people adopting Bitcoin out of a desire to make extra money, then they realize Bitcoin has high fees and slow transaction times so they switch to Steem/SBD and we simply use Bitcoin as the GATEWAY to other faster better crypto...
@ackza and i see West Africa as one of the greatest opportunities for steem to on board hundreds of millions of new users and to get them all to start trading real world commodities for Steem and EOS instead of just paper fiat money... when they sell Oil in Nigeria they will be requiring that people use Steem or Golos just to buy the oil!
or maybe for buying Gold or Diamonds or Exotic Mahogany woods they will demand that you pay the in Steem and it will drive price of steem straight up and everyone who invested in it early will get a GREAT first mover advantage... it will feel just like Bitcoin's early adopters massive gold rush... steem will make us money the way Bitcoin made Bitcoiners money in 2009-2017 .. .. the possibilities are truly limitless and unending so let's get to work and start working a lot harder!