Well. i would say that most of the steemit users doesnt know the actual procedure to build up this community in a better way. they thought that just write your blog and publish them. but who cares for the consistency. may be not.
Wrong tags : This is a very common mistakes among us . Photography about life events should not be tagged with "cryptocurrency" . And SOMETIMES WE PUT CAPITAL LETTERS HERE AND THERE to just make the content visually disturbing. We should use hashtags only when we know where it is appropriate or not use it at all. Spelling mistake is also something to be careful about.The most important thing i guess, tag selection is the major problem. maximum users do not understnd that what is actually tags mean. they just randomly select tag and published their post. that is the problem. And you describe all the thing that every steemit blogger should follow. Thank you very much @doctalk
appreciate your words