in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


🐒 Have you thought about investing in Steem using dollar cost averaging, effectively lessening your exposure to price shifts by investing over a longer period of time.

🐒 If you would have started investing $100 a week purchasing Steem since August 13 , 2016 until today you would have $5700 invested and the current value of your investment today would be $31,092 and the most it has been worth was on June 24 , 2017 at a value of $46,046 .

🐒 You would now have accumulated 21,896 Steem . The smallest amount you would have purchased in a week was 46 Steem and the most Steem purchased for $100 in a week was 1,111

🐒 The price you would have paid ( AVERAGE FOR A WEEK ) for the Steem would have varied greatly from $0.09 to $2.18 per Steem purchased.




🐒 Digital currencies can be quite volatile   and will likely remain volatile in the future. This strategy is a great way for new participants to get involved without the anxiety of committing a significant amount of capital at a fixed price. Not to mention you also get the added benefit of adjusting this amount up or down as you go.


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Please voice your opinions in the comments below.



🐒 If the Steem price would only go to $10 your 21,896 Steem would be worth $218,960 on a $5700 investment and that would be pretty damn good imho.

the premium word is IF. if my grandmother had balls it would be my grandfather.... its the first crypto social platform with an system of high inflation. it is hard... the growth has to keep getting exponencial in relation to previous time frame for it to rise naturally. very very hard. and the proof is that its so hyped and price isnt skyrocketing

I am agree with you, When steem will go up and We will rich?

Yes that would have worked. I believe steem has a bright future ahead. I also think if your charts were for BTC, the profit would have been tons more than this , that's where the real money happened now !

Glad you did the math. Those are some amazing stats.

And that's IF you didn't invest your STEEM in Steem Power and make it work even more for you through curation. If you had invested $100/week in STEEM and then powered up and voted on posts, you would have made even more.

Wow great post and this is insane to think about. Just think about the people that post daily and make more than 100 steam per post! I wonder how that would differ from investing $100 dollars per day and buying 100 steem per day!?

Cool article, I love juggling with numbers.
I wish I knew about steemit a year back. Anyway, I guess we are still pretty early on that train.

Great, more information to make me kick myself for not acting earlier. Woulda, coulda, shoulda....

Good post though lol

As if everybody knew

well.. we could knew it, steemit is a great idea with a working product

One can start now and you may do this well in a year from now .

awesome article.... shows the beauty of crypto!

The truth is, one who seeks to achieve freedom by petitioning those in power to give it to him has already failed, regardless of the response.
To beg for the blessing of “authority” is to accept that the choice is the master’s alone to make, which means that the person is already, by definition, a slave.

Boom ya said it straight ;)

a very interesting post @me-tarzan

steemit is a great idea
interesting a good post

Interesting read. Thanks for sharing!

I don't have 100 dollars and time machine... :(

I need to refer a friend to read this. I love this post. Thanks.