🐒 steemit.com receives about 140,000 unique visitors per day
Unique visitors refers to the number of distinct individuals requesting pages from the website during a given period, regardless of how often they visit. Visits refers to the number of times a site is visited, no matter how many visitors make up those visits. When an individual goes to a website on Tuesday, then again on Wednesday, this is recorded as two visits from one visitor. Because a visitor can make multiple visits in a specified period, the number of visits may be greater than the number of visitors. A visitor is sometimes referred to as a unique visitor or a unique user to clearly convey the idea that each visitor is only counted once.
Below Column chart showing daily unique visitors on Steemit since April 17 , 2017
If you prefer a line chart
Below Line chart showing daily unique visitors on Steemit
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Please voice your opinions in the comments below.
🐒 Unique visitors keep on increasing this to me is very exciting for the future of Steemit.
🐒 Today unique visitors for today stand at 140,000
That's crazy. It has trippled in the two months I am here. These are brilliant stats!
Yes, Steemit is a great medium for free speech. I have a lot of fun being part of this community, I like writing articles and commenting on other people's posts. There are very nice people in this community, and helping one another to get better at what we do is great, so no wonder people flock here, oc course making a little money is another incentive. Don't expect to get rich overnight, but if you put the work into it hey why not reaping the rewards as well?!
That's very impressive numbers. I know over 1000 join per day but not sure how many users in total. No reason to think this won't continue for years to come.
Making steemit grow and steem tokens more valuble.
Life is Good
This is awesome. I can only imagine what the line looked like before May 2017. probably a sorta semi flat line interjected with a slight incline and tons of little (and some big) ups and downs along the way.
Thanks for the news!! Cheers
Many of you see live-blogging from Steem Park in Brooklyn, New York also that @voronoi and @hansikhouse are developed and announced via @hitheryon. Is this a billboard type ad or is it the beginning of a true community in the heart of NYC? Communities can trigger sparks, sparks and a lot of hard work to cause hot pockets, and these hot pockets around the globe will bring the growth of the virus into the Steem ecosystem as more people share it with others
Unique visitors keep on increasing this to me is very exciting for the future of Steemit.
Hi , Guys in very short i would like to share any one whome invested 2000$ into NEO 4 months ago he got Return of investment 250,000$ just in 4 months .
Great post, thanks for sharing!
Great news. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you man!