I agree with @melvadg @mistakili @cryptoandcoffee @olumideolowoyeye (phewww what a long ass name xD) and @willymac on that you do add value to this platform with your writings and in that way haven't failed.
Your experience and dedication shows in your texts and you have definitely been able to share us what you have learned. Of course there is this financial side but as you say there's also so much more and your writings are one thing that have given me something valuable -new points of views and information about different phenomenas and things that have been previously unfamiliar to me. Since I found you in here, you have probably been the most interesting user, who's texts I wait for (luckily I don't have to wait too long since you write a lot) and which I always read from the beginning to the end and learn something.
Thank you for being such a committed user and writer, always having the bar high when it comes to quality of the posts.