This cuneiform text dates back to the 6th year of prince Lugalanda who ruled about 2370 B.C. in southern Mesopotamia. It is an administrative document concerning deliveries of three sorts of beer to different recipients (to the palace and to a temple for offerings) and gives the exact quantities of barley and other ingredients used in brewing. Credit: Max Planck Society
Each Monday, this column turns a page in history to explore the discoveries, events and people that continue to affect the history being made today.
Humans had been speaking for a couple hundred thousand years before they got the inspiration or nerve to mark their ideas down for posterity.
But when a Mesopotamian people called the Sumerians finally did scratch out a few bookkeeping symbols on clay tablets 5,000 years ago, they unknowingly started a whole new era in history we call, HISTORY
started from the age of globalization exactly in 1990, In this era of globalization, the development of communication technology very rapidly makes the distance is not an obstacle to get information from various corners of the world.
Globalization is the process of international integration that occurs due to the exchange of views the world, products, ideas, and other cultural aspects. Progress transport and telecommunications infrastructure, including the emergence of the telegraph and the Internet.
when the initial indirectly globalization was having an impact on the development of reading and writing.
journal impact history from researchgate
*This value is calculated using ResearchGate data and is based on average citation counts from work published in this journal. The data used in the calculation may not be exhaustive.
very interesting if you look at the history of how reading and writing on the Internet of the globalization era to the present. I have seen many new platforms in 2016 but the last one I found was this #steemit.
very interesting to see the impact that will occur in the future. as we have seen since steemit has a very interesting innovation. and it has been proven by the rapid new users who made a very interesting story here.
a new phenomenon saw a lot of people are excited to write something that is very useful for many people.
Long Life Steemit
Regards : MelawanArus
give me nice feedback if you enjoy with this article :) thankyou everyone
lol im newbie :p