Report of the First SE-Asian Steemit Meetup in Siem Reap, Cambodia

in #steemit8 years ago

The first meetup in SE-Asia was a huge success. We had people from all over the world attending the Tech Fest here in Siem Reap. We partnered up with @theflame from Angkorhub to make this meetup a reality.

We kicked off on Saturday around 8.30. Croissants and coffee were flowing freely and people started arriving slowly. The day started with a round table conference on growth hacking and online marketing, mainly targeted towards the tourist sector. Everyone was freely sharing their knowledge with eager small business owners and entrepreneurs.

Then the first presentation on the benefits and dangers of big data took place.

In the meantime, @faddat and myself were already fleshing out ideas and throwing a huge project together. Stay tuned for more information about it. @rampant already unveiled the idea in this post.

Lunch time!

That right there is the Pizza Tuktuk! Yep, someone had the idea of converting the typical Cambodian tuktuk to a portable stone pizza oven! Absolutely amazing and delicious.

We also had a barbecue and craft beers. Since you don't mess with lunchtime here in Cambodia, we took a 2.5 hour lunch break, which turned into a great networking session.

Once everyone had a belly full of pizza, beer, and german sausages it was time to get started with the rest of the day. At that time, everyone already noticed the free tshirts I got made for this event. And although I told her to only give them away after my presentation, my wife already passed all of them out in her excitement.

@amy-goodrich and @manicmidnight look happy with their new shirts!

While a big part of the audience was dozing off because of the copious amounts of food and drink that flowed during lunch, we kicked off the start of the blockchain and steemit explanation.

Siem Reap's very own 'Dash guy', made my life a lot easier by enlightening all of us how blockchain works and what kind of applications it has. Since I still don't know his username here on Steem, I can't tag him. Hopefully he'll leave a comment on this post. 'Wink wink'

After his clarifying talk, it was time for the Steemit presentation. I had some people asking me for the slides of the presentation, so here is the link to the PDF for you to download.
There were many questions from the audience, so we were quickly pushing the one hour mark. Suddenly it became windy. Ten minutes later, a huge tropical storm broke out and we had to rush everything inside and out of reach of the raging elements.

Here is a link to the recorded live stream we did during the presentation. I'm sorry for the quality, our gear was not performing as it was supposed to. If you want to have a good laugh, check the end and see the mayhem that unfolded when the weather changed abruptly.

After the storm calmed down, we started networking and conversations about Steemit and cyptocurrencies exploded among the audience.

We managed to pass out a tshirt to half of the attendees, so that was a relative success. Have to remember to create more next time! I want to thank everyone again for coming and making this a great event. Stay tuned for more of these events in the future!


Great work, everyone!

Hi Guys ! awesome work. Upvoted

Good stuff!

great pics

Great work @menta It was a great presentation and a great group of people. Well done and see you soon.