Woaw Thanks a lot for you appreciation of my article !!!
I really wish, in all of my cells, that a world as we described all together (and more) may become real soon. The planet need a huge change of the human mankind, principally in consciousness and valors, then the rest will follow.
Thanks for your contest, it allowed the writing of these reflections, sharing our ideas with peoples and meet great human persons :D
Most Welcome! I really enjoyed organizing this and meeting all of you. I think by working together to share ideas and materialize projects, the world described is nearly here already. I am amazed at the talent, warmth and creativity of this community and I feel inspired to try to do even more in the future to take these ideas and this platform beyond the theoretical and into the real world. I am doing my little bit on this part of the earth and I am so pleased to see and hear what others are up to as well. See you around and stay tuned if you would like to participate in future events!