Instead of calling names why don't we try to be productive here and discuss how we can make this initiative work?
How is THIS a scam? It's already been paid for out of our pockets.
We aren't asking YOU or anyone else for money, other than votes and initiative support...oh and maybe contribution of effort to help the community.
I defended Mark because of several reasons, not that I have to answer to you. I didn't like the way that people were treating him, regardless of past mistakes nobody has a right to treat people like they are trash. Sorry.
If it were you being attacked I would defend you as well. Even with you hating me and downvoting me out of spite now.
As for whether or not I can be trusted, I will leave that for the folks like Stan and Dan to decide. They know the time, money, effort, work, and myriad of other things I have contributed, and I am very comfortable in what I have given.
You don't know me at all, so your making statements about the veracity of my integrity or anything else holds no water.
You downvoted this post and caused considerable harm, which is sad because this has some major potential to bring 100x more people to Steemit.
Maybe you can put your pitchfork and torch down?
I am sorry you hate me so much, hopefully over time you will see that I have been a major contributor to Bitshares, and now to Steemit.
@michaelx: how about you do whatever you will do on your own instead of trying to coerce this community in approving something that it should already be clear by now we don't approve at all? Granted, if you are not the one who attempts the get-rich-quick scheme MLM marketing, someone else will, so feel free to do it if you want with whoever you want, we won't stop you, but do that under your own name and reputation without dragging in Bitshares, Steem or Cryptonomex. And please spare us the entitlement: this community doesn't have to agree with your ideas just because you have good connections in the Bitshares world.
If I wanted to get rich I wouldn't give away all of the money on the front to people to encourage growth. Also, you have no idea what an MLM is. This doesn't qualify in the least.
I will discuss whatever I want, when I want - especially WHEN RELEVANT.
Entitlement - the only entitlement I see around here is people like you and your friends bullying everyone.
I will address whom I want, when I want, how I want.
I came here to help - if you don't want it fine.
PS - @recursive I sent steemit 1k new members TODAY before BREAKFAST- what did you do to grow the community?
I am mentoring over 1k people on steemit now. What have you done today?
Spare ME.