It would be righteous if you could setup a 2 or 3 factor authentication that would allow any user to roll back any transaction if all of the factors are met. This would exclude a escrow type, or have a time period - a claw back of sorts.
We all know the blockchain is not immutable, if you do not want it to be...
2FA should have been implemented from the get go.. No we need to fix all security issues and stop the cheaters.
Does anyone know why steemit has the only wallet on the internet that does not offer 2fa? Is there some sort of technical limitation that I am unaware of here?
I'm not sure if and how classic 2FA would work her. As I understand it is just front-end for the blockkchain and does not handle classical user accounts and authentication on server-side.
You basically enter your private-keys (or the pw to create priv-key from) in your browser and then sign transactions (like upvote, post or steem transfers) with that key in your browser.
In a way it already has sort of a multifactor-auth with the role specific keys,.. just remove the owner and action key from your browser and the worst thing that could happen if you get hacked is someone posting/upvoting with your account, but no steem transfer without owner/active key. I even put my posting key on my mobile, which I normally not trust with cryptos.