Steemit operating advice for newcomers and the generally 'not quite sure' Part 3

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Today’s Dos and Don’ts on Steemit.

Just like any other interaction on or off-line, be polite and respectful, especially on someone else’s post.

Don’t go ‘off on one’ at the author of the post, the post is their territory. You came to their ‘house’ and therefore, you should be polite, even about emotive subjects.

I keep saying this, but apparently, the message is not getting through.

STOP begging for follows, upvotes on your blog and resteems. That kind of thing is seen as disrespectful and ‘not the done thing’

DO read the post you intend to leave a comment on. You make yourself look foolish if you post “Yeah, great post bruh” when that comment is entirely inappropriate.

Read the post. Read ALL of it and only then are you allowed to comment. It’s true, it’s actually the law now…

If you disagree with a post strongly and you really REALLY want to go to town on that ignoramus’s ass! Don’t. Just… for your sake… don’t.

Walk away, and repeat after me…

Get your facts straight before wading into an argument (discussion).

That's 'STEAL' - Don't do it. Even if you think you'll get away with it. Don't.

Do some research if necessary.Tag your posts correctly. @headsink mentioned it in my first post on this matter.

Join in on conversations, yes, please do. Don’t casually drop the link for your blog in there unless you’re asked for it.

You won’t be asked for it, just so you know. If anyone is interested enough to see your blog, all they have to do is click your name.

Do use links and DO put them into an easy ‘clickable’ word

here is my first post on advice for newbies

And here is my second post

Another piece of advice that bears repeating,

You are not going to attain Whale Status in your first week. No, not in your first month, probably not in your first year.

Write often, write well, ask for help and guidance and LISTEN to that help and guidance.

There’s nothing worse than someone asking for advice and you taking time to give it – including gifs and pictures for their amusement too – and they just go and do what they want to do anyway.

Don’t search the whales, orcas and even dolphins out in chat just to ask them to help with your new post.

Yes, this is happening to me and yes, I’m being polite for the moment, but I also work and I do not have the time to help you personally and individually with your posts.
I can’t help you write a good post, I can’t help you edit your post and I cannot suggest posts for you to write. You have to make this part of your journey on your own.

If you're lucky, you'll just get one of these:

If not, you may find your account flagged to oblivion!

If someone comes to your post and gives advice freely and politely, be polite in return. BUT don’t take their advice as the absolute truth without checking it out first.

Don’t give away your passwords. Keep the passwords safe and written down (you remember how to use pen and paper?) – they are your only way of getting into your steemit account and if you lose them they are GONE and so is your account.

As with everything on the internet, check facts for yourself. Some people don’t tell the truth and SOME actually lie and intend to deceive you. Yep, it’s true!

Not me of course, I’d never do that…

And one last thing…

Images from Google and my iphone and gifs from


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i think the "i totally didn't read your post that would normally take about 10 minutes to read, but here's my worthless comment a minute after you posted it" comments. those really are my favorites. they get instant mutes. no response, just...mute. done. gone. bye.

i can't even imagine the nonsense you must have to deal with on a daily basis as a whale.

LOL I'm nowhere near Whale status. I just achieved 'Dolphindom' I think.

BUT... thank you... I now have tomorrow's post lined up.

ahhhh...i guess i misread that part. i thought you were being inundated for help from others because you were a whale. i don't really pay attention to most people's stats/statuses.

I'm being inundated... and I can only imagine what it's like for the actual Whales.

I'll help anyone if I can - hence these posts :)

Thanks for these posts. They're really helpful for newbies like me

You're welcome.

i read your every post sir, everday you say new things about steemit,how the people do mistake in steemit ,how we can use steemit , thanks for your help man

You're welcome... but I'm a woman, not a man :D

I read your post brother.
And need long time to read your post
But its okay
No problem
Nice post brother.
Cant wait to read your nexts post😂

If you think it took a long time to read it, think how long it took to write it. :)

lol. yes mom. so long took to write it :)

Another useful post provides a perfect guide to be a succesful steemer and no doubt worthy addition in steemit blogs .
@ done .

Thank you for reading my work :)

Truth never damages a cause that is just.

- Mahatma Gandhi

This is a really great post. Thank you for sharing it.

I admit I was guilty at times asking for follows (didnt ask for the upvotes directly although did in some posts at the end). I since has stopped that.

Personally, I really do like these how to succeed/do better on Steemit posts. They are really helpful to someone like me.

Finally, I want to thank you for the reminder that I will not become a whale in a week, month, or perhaps even a year. It is a long term process. This point must be stressed. I find myself, at times, getting frustrated since I want it all today.

Thank you again for this post.

You're welcome and I'm happy it's helped you.

I've been on Steemit for a little more than a year. It's hard work, but enjoyable too.

Last year I went to Amsterdam to SteemFest and in a few weeks I'll be going to Lisbon for SteemFest2 - so I consider myself fortunate that I can go to these festivals. Everything that is happening now would not be possible if not for Steemit.

I'm patient and building my account slowly. That is how it is and how it has to be unless you have lots of money with which to invest - I don't.

I repeat this often because it's true:

You may be low on the ladder of Steemit, but you're a few rungs above those that haven't yet joined.

Thank you @

Yes I agree with you...moving up takes consistent effort and isnt an over night proposition especially without a large sum of money as you said.

I am committed to developing this site as much as I can. I believe we all have a part in this, a responsibility. I admit I get impatient and discouraged at times on here but I continually have to step back and look at the bigger picture. This is a site that is life changing and posters like you are an example of that.

More good advice. I try to guide people and one spammer even apologised today! I saw another do a post saying something like 'I saw others making money from copying, so I thought I would join in'. They got found out and may be trying to recover their reputation. It's so easy to wreck an account. I see this every day and it's not likely to improve soon. Greed is a powerful force

It is indeed a powerful force and I'm sure we all succumb sometimes.

We do have to stop the begging because it does, as you say, ruin an account and the reputation is so difficult to restore. Plus the accounts are not so easy to come by now, there's a wait to get approved and I think that's a good thing in a way because the more you tell them 'No!', the more they'll want it.

If everything is easy to come by, it loses value.

That's one very well written post and I strongly recommend everyone to read it. It will help you, specially the noobs. Good luck and steem on!

Thank you, I'm so pleased you like it.

Most people come to Steemit with the promise of quick bucks!
They post for like 5 times and they consistently earn $0.00!
They do not know there is some work to be done(though the work is simple!).

These are the people who pollute the whole place with links and comments like "upvoted,follow me,nice post thanks,good work!"

They think they can grow big in one week!

You are not going to attain Whale Status in your first week. No, not in your first month, probably not in your first year.

They always look for shortcuts.
Steemit is like life itself.

You get Paid for the value you bring!

No one that I bring here has been told they will get quick bucks. I've been honest and told them you'll probably ear nothing, but if I can help, I will.

None of my friends joining this platform have ever begged for votes or follows, I'd have words with them if they did :)

Like children and dogs, teach them right at the start and they will be well-behaved and socialised ;)

Sorry people, I didn't really call you kids or dogs... honestly I didn't!

After I red your post, I think I have lost any "Don't" things, especially "begging for votes, follow and resteem" thing.

Well, this post change my mind about my behaviour in steemit. Thanks a lot!

Just follow you and can't wait your great post again.

Permission to resteem your post. Make me to remember what should I do. Thanks again.

Thank you and well done! I can't promise it will help you to grow, but it won't hurt your chances :)

In reply to your post about resteeming, please do and thank you, it's appreciated.

This was really helpful for me
I joined steemit last week and since then I've been kind of impatient and all. Wanting to become a whale as quick as possible. Sometimes I'd take my time to write really good posts and at the end I'd end up with juss 2, 3, 4, 5 or so upvotes. I've been really frustrated about how slowly I'm growing but I think I'mma be more patient.
Aint guilty of most of the other stuffs you mentioned tho. I have never begged for a follow, upvote or resteem. I think I'm doing quite well in that regard.
This was very helpful though and I want others to learn too so I'm finna resteem. Great advice, bro.

My first post was around 3000 words and I got 2 votes (one was my own).

Nothing worthwhile is easy or comes easy. If it comes easy, it's usually not worthwhile.

very..very good post..

Thanks for good advice and great content
Thanks also for nice pics
Followed, Because I am happy to be on of your followers, as I have what I learn here in your blog

Thank you, welcome :)

Thanks for your post, It's probably not going to be read by those most in need, but success is rooted in repetition!

I did take a moment to look you up on Amazon (followed your link) and am impressed with your catalogue. It appears that you are a successful writer; kudos to you!

Etiquette remains under siege, but we must be tolerant of others who either don't know what they are doing wrong, or simply cant help themselves. I utilize the concept of Ignore as much as I can stomach here on Steem and in life. To spend my intellectual ammo otherwise will cause me to run out!

Thanks again for your post and the conversation. I have upvoted your post and followed you. Feel free to follow me back.

Good luck with Steem and your writing!

Ah, thanks for looking me up :)

I have to admit, I've only just put that link up there, but from the number of comments it's getting, I should have done it a while ago :)

You're probably right, the ones that should do well to read this pos, probably won't.

Writing my password somewhere Thank you!

P.S. What are the designations? Minnow, dolphin, orca, whale? Is that in 10 point increments? Just curious. It is all fascinating to me and I am glad to be here!!

I think it's 'redfish', 'minnow', 'dolphin', 'orca and 'whale'.

Here's a post that is also a good guide for New Steemit-goers


Thank you for this post. A lot is just good common sense, but that seems to be a rare commodity these days. I guess some think manners are a thing of the past. Sigh...I love the Polish proverb "Not my circus, not my monkies". Sum it up pretty well.

Common sense? Not so common... it's almost like a Superpower!

As someone marginally larger than amoeba, (in the scheme of things), I swear I'll get to be a minnow within a decade.

Your advice is very good, and reminds me what I keep doing incorrectly.
(especially jumping in on others posts and ranting - I'm terrible )

LOL Keep at it! You'll be a minnow before you know it :)

by writing we will write our own history.

Nice post,,,,

Thanks for giving the information. In this we can put our file in the middle.

What file? Middle of where?