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RE: If You Get Angry Others Are Making Money On Steemit You Need to Stahp!

in #steemit9 years ago

and ended up as the #2 white rapper in Canada in 1989

Not to take away from the well thought out and conveyed point of your post but I just need to see/ hear this. I NEED IT NOW!


Who was the #1 white rapper in Canada in the 80s? Tom Green ;)

Should of stuck with the rapping.

Haha!! You go bro!!

Man ...are good :)). You shoud start rapp again :D

Love it. The homage at 2:13 made me smile lots. :)

How could we have known you are such a fine rapper!
Damn old school... damn, I enjoyed it :) Thx

I love your posts dollar vigilante!! You were the first person i followed on steem. Thanks for doing the interview with the steem creators too. I really enjoyed it and i though it helped clear a lot of confusion up for me. Also i want you to check out a post i did that i think everyone can relate too. Thanks!

As corny as it is... it's actually kind of good considering where rap was at in the 80s and ur white dudes from Canada. The takeaway I got from your post is that you have to be willing to take risks and get back up when you get knocked down... that and you have to be honest enough with yourself to recognize when something isn't working and be willing to make a change.

1989 was a blast up here in Canada, pretty sure I heard this song in the bars, which I think is still awesome. Check the O.R was pretty good as well. Damn, this brings back some funny memories of me and my buddies dancing to electro No girls, just 5 guys being totally stupid on the dance floor with a beer in each hand.

This is so awesomely rubish Jeff! I love it haha!!

Remember, it was the 1980s! :P

Um...jeff..i think posting a scrap book journal about this part of your life would be considered epic by many. ;)

there two videos are pearls!

Aah jeff I had no idea about this and it only makes me love you more ..
Let us never speak of it again, what happened in the 80's stays in the 80's ;)

Were there only two white rappers in Canada at the time?

honestly, that's pretty damn decent for 1989... but were you guys really the number one or two group then? I mean, c'mon what about the epic and never forgettable: Maestro Fresh Wes w/ his hit, "Let Your Backbone Slide" also released in '89?