It all depends on what country and what laws are dictating the definitions. In the United States cryptocurrency is allegedly considered to be an asset. However they say if you are getting the cryptocurrency in exchange for doing something then it is considered income.
What bothers me about this statement made by the IRS is that it is just a statement. It is not a definitive ruling. There is no other guidelines. The IRS isn't even a hundred percent sure what to do with it and hasn't provided concrete evidence contrary.
Also when you own stocks in the United States and you leave them as stocks, you do not pay taxes capital gains or otherwise, until you actually cash out those stocks and convert them into Fiat US dollars period while you're holding the stock the value goes up and down.
Steam goes up and down in value on a daily basis. If I am to follow the current statement, as an asset I'm not required to keep track of the daily fluctuation in price, nor am I required to pay taxes on those calculations. If it is considered an income, again I would only consider that taxable if I actually redeemed it. I do not count future paychecks from my job as my income until I actually have received it.
I personally think if the IRS wants to tackle this in a similar manner they need to come out with exact guidelines, exact requirements, and crypto anyting needs to come out with calculators that can just print out this information at tax time like stockbrokers do. Until then I think it's up to each individual how they want a process that information.
the biggest problem is that there are no rulings, no standards, no guidelines. Its a massive headache and the governments and accounting standard setters are not dealing with the issue at all.
In ireland too if you make an investment and leave them as stocks there is no CG tax till you cash out. However there is a fine line between and investment and trading stock. if you are paid in SBD but trade it to STEEM, you now have trading transactions too, and conversion to any other coin also calls into question what is an 'investment'
hi, I am doing a webinar as the follow up, sorry its late but I have been so busy. Hope you will attend the webinar