
Are you sending us a subliminal message! I guess we must be careful from now on in our replies.

I love the name of the last chapter in that book ... 'Sometimes the Dragon Wins.' ;)

So are you keeping files on all of us you interact with?!? What is the equivalent of the FBI in you country and the CIA? You guys rely on Scotland yard and MI6?!?!?

MI5/MI6 are your equivalents in the UK. The one that really scared me in Israel was Mossad! Globally I rate them as the highest of all. Super clever Jews beyond cleverdom! :)

Gotta find a PDF of that gem, might take me a while but I´ll read it before August ends. Good to know this, I always thought it had something to do with something somewhat "sherlockesque", I guess I wasn´t that far from the truth.

Get a copy Eric - it's a fascinating book. The last chapter 'Sometimes the Dragon Wins' is a corker!! :)

profiling...that's a bad thing..

Ha ha. I didn't think you'd like that Everitt!