With the ongoing Orwellian Censorship Agenda the Governmental Silicon Valley Stooges are determined to attempt to implement, Steemit is in a unique position to not only prosper but quite possibly destroy the proto-sociological claptrap-ism that Political Correctness has successfully managed to mutate into The Intellectual Fallacy of the Late 20th Century.
Before we deal with the controversial concept of Political Correctness (otherwise known to some as Political Crookedness) i thought i'd deal with some of the special characteristics that i have found amongst the many Steemit Contributors.
First of all and most important is one's Natural Sense of Humour. The ability to laugh at one's own deficiencies, be self -deprecated and yet still conduct a polite, witty, intelligent discourse without jumping on hateful stereotypes and be trolled into ridiculous divisive sociological terms such as being "non-PC" (or as the nomenclature psuedo-intellectuals prefer "being Non-Politically Correct".
So why is it that "Steem-me's" universally consider "PC" with disdain? Besides the fact that "Steem-me's" are generally more educated, more intelligent and more historically knowledge than the average user of other social media platforms, the actual format of the steemit system encourages debate and cross-pollination of ideas rather than the proliferation of "hate speech!h".
Most of all however is the fact that Political Correctness, (no matter how sociological intellectualism may deem it) is basically just a Thomas Sewell like example of how Common Sense is Sensible until sociological academia confuse the obvious.
And unfortunately Common Sense has become far less common with this obsession with being PC. The golden rule of Individual Sovereignty is all anyone needs to understand and live by.
To me this is what being a "steem-me" is all about.
for your time and hopefully your understanding.
Yes it good to bet on steemit, Its the future.
Nice Post! Already follow you and upvoted, to received upvotes from me , Please FOLLOW @topex