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RE: Abuse of power on Steemit easier like on other platforms?

in #steemit7 years ago

I think at the beginning #steempower is the most important to focus on. So when your #blog or #vblog will get upvoted and you get your pay out in 7 days, use all of it on Steempower. I think tehre are also many of us who rightaway inversted own money in to #Steem and converted it to Steempower. I seen some blogger that registered 4 days ago and already have 4 blohs makiing 200$ per post. Could be that they have friends on steemit with a lot of influance but maybe the blogs where promoted or other users checked the wallet and seen that the blooggers influance is high and started following and upvoting.

There are also small communities that help eachother by upvoting, commenting, promoting and more. That's how new users get that push to have more influance if the user decides to put every reward to steempower.

Don't forget that you have to be seen as much as possible and it is important that you woould be the first one to comment on a blog cause then everyone will see it and if it's an interesting comment or a reply you may get upvoted and then followed by others.


Yeah I’m aware of that and I already took first steps in optimization and looking for some people to join. Anyway in a group it’s much more fun! Thanks for the advice :)