I really appreciate the effort and thought you put into this post.
Didn't read beyond the 1st 1/3
TIME is of the essence - there isn't enough of it and Steemit like all social media is a total TIME WASTE
The worst thing is 4 days have gone by and only 12 views - 6 upvotes and $0.18 return
Proof as many have discovered Steemit is not the pot of gold for content creators they hoped it would be. In fact you can't even give stuff away.
There are only 800K users. Imagine if there were 8, 80 or 800 MILLION users.
Good luck!
No it's not a gold mine if you are only here for cash. Remember most new users are from Facebook we content only rewards Facebook. The latest round of new users are here primarily for greed not sharing of knowledge with others.
Our rate of earnings is dependent on how many click on the up vote button. More importantly upvotes on comments of value. Your comments actually gain you more than creation in the long one.
I comment on good posts. I upvote good post. I also upvote all comments on my post. Provided of course it contributes to the post.