Hello, This is a formal introduction to the testing bot we tested.
We decided to call it 'Q-Bot'.
- Why Q-Bot?
Q-Bot does not have the ability to take a steam or a saucer and boots it as a substitute (I see this type of botting as an attack) I decided to call.
- Why is the Q-Bot character a tree?
My ID is because it is a tree. There is no meaning.
After a long time, the virtue rose so I tried to draw the soul into note 8.
- Who do you board?
We refer to 'whitelist' and turn around people in list.
- How do you define a whitelist?
I visit each one and manually list it up.
I'm trying to add people who post their own articles (pictures, videos, etc.) regardless of the topic.
My followers are increasing their whitelist by visiting blogs in a variety of random ways, including lease articles, surfing comments, new posts, and blog comments.
- How many white lists do you have?
There is still a lot of space left.
- If you are on the white list, will you board me unconditionally?
There are constraints.
Typical constraints are:
'Only if the reward is less than x $ after x hours of posting.
'Do not board the same author more than x times a day.'
There are other minor constraints, constraints can be added or removed.
In the future, we plan to exclude voting bots from voting, and we will exclude them from whitelisting.
- Is the whitelist fixed?
no. If people on my whitelist become more popular and become more restrictive, I will increase my whitelist accordingly. Also, not everyone on the white list will be able to write continuously. If the number of postings is reduced, the voting power consumption rate will also decrease, and the white list will be added as it decreases. It is always open ~!
- How much power do you have on board?
It is 2% (~ 1 $) at a time, but it seems to be too impatient. We have 5% chance to have botting power 10%, 2% probability of botting power 30%, 0.1% probability. I wonder when the pool bots will burst.
- I do not think Steam is okay when I turn the bot back on.
Of course.
And do not turn off the bot. For the time being, we will continue to monitor. I also check the viewer. I would like to find some improvements and apply some ideas.
- We receive white list recommendation !!
In fact, the reason I posted this article is to get a whitelist ~!
Please participate a lot ~ ~ !!
How ?: Comment on your ID