media lessons

in #steemit7 years ago

Understanding, Benefit, Types and Selection of Learning Media


A. Understanding of Learning Media
The development of science and technology increasingly encourage renewal efforts in the utilization of technology results in teaching and learning process. Teachers are required to be able to use the tools that can be provided by the school, and it is not possible that the tools are in accordance with the development and demands of the times. Teachers may at least be able to use cheap and humble tools but are necessary in order to achieve the intended teaching objectives.

Besides being able to use the tools available, teachers are also required to be able to develop the tools available, teachers are also required to be able to develop skills to create teaching media that will be used if the media is not yet available.

Learning Media means everything that can be used to stimulate the mind, feelings, attention and ability or skills of learners so as to encourage the learning process.

Meanwhile, according to Briggs (1977) learning media is a physical means to deliver content / learning materials such as: books, movies, videos and so forth. Then according to National Education Associaton (1969) revealed that the media learning is a means of communication in the form of print and hearing, including hardware technology.

Understanding the learning media is all the teaching tools used to help convey the subject matter in the process of teaching and learning so as to facilitate the achievement of the objectives of learning

imageobjectives that have been formulated.

For that the teacher must have sufficient knowledge about teaching media, which include (Hamalik, 1994: 6)

• Media as a communication tool to make the learning process more effective;
• Media functions in order to achieve educational goals;
• The intricacies of the learning process;
• The relationship between teaching methods and educational media;
• The value or benefits of educational media in teaching;
• Selection and use of educational media
• Different types of educational media tools and techniques;
• Education media in each subject;
• Effort of innovation in educational media. [1]

Thus, it can be concluded that the media is an integral part of the learning process to achieve the goal of education in general and the purpose of learning in schools in particular.

The word media comes from the Latin medius which literally means 'middle', 'intermediary' or 'introduction'. In Arabic, the media is the intermediary or messenger of the sender to the recipient of the message. [2]

If the media carries instructional messages or information intended for instructional purposes or contains teaching purposes then the media is called Learning Media. [3]

B. Benefits of Media in Learning
In a teaching-learning process, two very important elements are teaching methods and instructional media. These two aspects are interrelated. The selection of one particular teaching method will affect the appropriate type of teaching medium, although there are still other aspects to be considered in selecting the media, including the purpose of teaching, the type of tasks and responses that students hope to master after teaching takes place, and the learning context including the characteristics of the students . Nevertheless, it can be said that one of the main functions of teaching media is as a teaching tool that also influences climate, condition, and learning environment arranged and created by the teacher.

Hamalik (1986) argues that the use of teaching media in teaching and learning can generate new desires and interests, generate motivation and stimulation of learning activities, and even bring psychological influences on students. [4]

In general, the benefits of media in the learning process is to facilitate the interaction between teachers and students so that learning will be more effective and efficient. But more specifically there are some more detailed media benefits Kemp and Dayton (1985) for example, identifying some of the benefits of media in learning that are:

  1. Submission of subject matter can be uniformed
  2. The learning process becomes more clear and interesting
  3. The learning process becomes more interactive
  4. Efficiency in time and effort
  5. Improve the quality of student learning outcomes
  6. Media allows the learning process can be done anywhere and anytime
  7. The media can foster a positive attitude of students to the material and learning process
  8. Change the role of teachers in a more positive and productive direction. [5]

In addition to some of the benefits of media such as those proposed by Kemp and Dayton, of course we can still find many other practical benefits. The practical benefits of instructional media in teaching and learning process are as follows:

  1. Learning media can clarify the presentation of messages and information so as to facilitate and improve the process and learning outcomes

  2. Learning media can improve and direct the attention of children so that it can lead to learning motivation, more direct interaction between students and the environment, and the possibility of students to learn individually in accordance with the ability and interests

  3. Learning media can overcome the limitations of the senses, space and time

  4. Learning media can provide students with similar experiences about events in their environment, as well as allow for direct interaction with teachers, communities, and the environment eg through works of tourism. Visits to museums or zoos. [6]

C. Types of Learning Media
Learning media are many kinds and kinds. Starting the smallest simple and cheap to sophisticated media and expensive. There are media that can be made by the teacher himself, there is a factory-produced media. There are already available media in the environment that we can directly use, there are also media that are specifically deliberately designed for learning purposes

Although the media are many varieties, but the reality is not many types of media commonly used by teachers at school. Some of the most familiar media and almost all schools make use of is print (book). in addition there are also many schools that have taken advantage of other types of media images, models, and Overhead Projector (OHP) and real objects. While other media such as audio tapes, video, VCD, slide (film frame), computer learning program is still rarely used although it is already familiar to most teachers.
B. Benefits of Media in Learning
In a teaching-learning process, two very important elements are teaching methods and instructional media. These two aspects are interrelated. The selection of one particular teaching method will affect the appropriate type of teaching medium, although there are still other aspects to be considered in selecting the media, including the purpose of teaching, the type of tasks and responses that students hope to master after teaching takes place, and the learning context including the characteristics of the students . Nevertheless, it can be said that one of the main functions of teaching media is as a teaching tool that also influences climate, condition, and learning environment arranged and created by the teacher.

Hamalik (1986) argues that the use of teaching media in teaching and learning can generate new desires and interests, generate motivation and stimulation of learning activities, and even bring psychological influences on students. [4]

In general, the benefits of media in the learning process is to facilitate the interaction between teachers and students so that learning will be more effective and efficient. But more specifically there are some more detailed media benefits Kemp and Dayton (1985) for example, identifying some of the benefits of media in learning that are:

  1. Submission of subject matter can be uniformed
  2. The learning process becomes more clear and interesting
  3. The learning process becomes more interactive
  4. Efficiency in time and effort
  5. Improve the quality of student learning outcomes
  6. Media allows the learning process can be done anywhere and anytime
  7. The media can foster a positive attitude of students to the material and learning process
  8. Change the role of teachers in a more positive and productive direction. [5]

In addition to some of the benefits of media such as those proposed by Kemp and Dayton, of course we can still find many other practical benefits. The practical benefits of instructional media in teaching and learning process are as follows:

  1. Learning media can clarify the presentation of messages and information so as to facilitate and improve the process and learning outcomes

  2. Learning media can improve and direct the attention of children so that it can lead to learning motivation, more direct interaction between students and the environment, and the possibility of students to learn individually in accordance with the ability and interests

  3. Learning media can overcome the limitations of the senses, space and time

  4. Learning media can provide students with similar experiences about events in their environment, as well as allow for direct interaction with teachers, communities, and the environment eg through works of tourism. Visits to museums or zoos. [6]

C. Types of Learning Media
Learning media are many kinds and kinds. Starting the smallest simple and cheap to sophisticated media and expensive. There are media that can be made by the teacher himself, there is a factory-produced media. There are already available media in the environment that we can directly use, there are also media that are specifically deliberately designed for learning purposes

Although the media are many varieties, but the reality is not many types of media commonly used by teachers at school. Some of the most familiar media and almost all schools make use of is print (book). in addition there are also many schools that have taken advantage of other types of media images, models, and Overhead Projector (OHP) and real objects. While other media such as audio tapes, video, VCD, slide (film frame), computer learning program is still rarely used although it is already familiar to most teachers.

D. Selection of Learning Media
Some causes of people choose the media include: a. intends to democratize it as well as in lectures on the media; b. feel familiar with the media, c. want to give a more concrete picture or explanation; and D. feel that the media can do more than it can do. So the basic consideration to choose the media is very simple, ie meet the needs or achieve the desired goals or not. Mc. Connell (1974) says if it suits "If The Medium Fits, Use It!" [8]

In terms of learning theory, various psychological conditions and principles that need to be considered in the selection and use of media are as follows:

  1. Motivation
  2. Individual differences
  3. Learning objectives
  4. Content organization
    Preparation before study
  5. Emotions
  6. Feedback Participation
  7. Reinforcement
  8. Exercise and repetition
  9. Exercise and repetition
  10. Implementation. [9]

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