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RE: The Downvote Proposal 👎 A Solution To The Flag Crisis 🚩

in #steemit7 years ago

If I am not mistaken many of the original Steemians when the platform was launched were Anarchists. In fact I heard about it from Jeff Berwick who is the founder of Anarchapulco and was (is?) an ardent user. I suspect he is a Whale and many of his original buds are Whales too. They are all very pro freedom. I do not know if it is they who are the source of the mean spirited "censorship" or not but it certainly would be ironic if that was the case.

The thing is those who have become Orca's or Whales are more equal than the rest of us. Thats life. Not fair, but it seems that's life. Of course there are the Witnesses. And they are more equal than the rest of us too.

It's all an interesting study in human dynamics and relationships. It seems we have our own little mini-country here where we are not entirely free, at least if you want to thrive. But thats life too. The golden rule, so to speak, of Libertarians and Anarchists alike is to do no harm to another either to his/her person or possessions. That code of ethics is being challenged it seems.

Your idea of a "native downvote feature" is a strong step in the right direction. Anyway, being relatively new here, I'm observing with my own personal filter being: Seek first to understand. Your post helps. Thanks.


Indeed, when I first signed up in early 2017, it was pitched that us anti-statists have a safe place here where we can express out views. I never posted here and I left for a year, returning to a TOTALLY CHANGED place for the most part. I swear EVERY POST I make someone is telling me "Do this" "Don't do that" and "You better be careful because ABC Whale doesn't like that" and bots leave messages.... mind you... do have a look at my content. Every other post I win some kind of AWARD such as a curie, a truffle pig, a helpie, something... if what I'm doing is so wrong, why do I keep winning author awards?

It is really annoying to say the least. I agree with your sentiment. It's a little country. Authoritarians are at level of the userbase weilding their stake in their own (often conflicting) crusades.

Wow! Not so much for this comment but for who you are. I went to your blog and read your post on your son with Autism. That was a superb post. One of my foster sons (I'm taking the liberty to give you a link here: has a young nephew, who I see almost every day. Cute kid but well within the autism range. I may actually end up fostering him too. He would be the third from that family. (OK too much information here). Anyway, if I do you'll be hearing from me for sure. His family could really give a shit. For them he is a source of Social Security income and thats about it. (again... too much information!) Anyway love the fire in your soul and that your son is Mensa and that you found treasures in that journey. That you are a Gemini is a small part of your astrological chart I am sure.( I'm an astrologer).

Now, as regards the comment above: yes, sad to hear this place has changed. It seems that no matter where we who seek freedom go we find the busy bodies, the bureaucrats, the flaggers, the bastards who want to control. I'm all for respect and honoring others and being pretty mellow , but my hackles rise when confronted with those who wish to manage my life.

Ha! this is my first writing of the day. I'm thinking I'm on a roll ... better go blog. I thought the post on your son was really important so I resteemed. Just have a hunch someone who needs to read it will respond. Blessings.

"safe place on the internet" is a total oxymoron.

Great comment, @mistermercury

It's all an interesting study in human dynamics and relationships. It seems we have our own little mini-country here where we are not entirely free, at least if you want to thrive.

I agree and thinking in those terms helps to pull back and put it all into perspective, keeping all the emotional turmoil at some arms-reach distance.

I was drawn here as well by Jeff Berwick's comments in some of his videos. I very much doubt any of his followers/believers are behind the Warlord downvote craze of steemit. I also have my doubts that @Ned and @Dan are Freedom loving Anarchists who believe in doing no harm to another either to his/her person or possessions, at least to the degree as Libratarian/Volunterists believe, especially given the WarLord empowerment here and the anti-privacy extremes.

It is very much an interesting study in human interaction and all our imperfections. I'd like to think that sooner or later we will all learn to evolve beyond the current WarLord mentality humanity seems so stuck in and that blockchain technology will one day helps us to do so.

Really awesome input and feedback there, I'm glad you feel the same. Hopefully we can all unite with our voice and influence and make an impact