A rant, about flags, abuse, and stoopid laws(?)

in #steemit9 years ago (edited)

Take this post with a grain of salt. Everyone have opinions about everything. Whether they be their own opinions, or repetitions of someone elses. Spend your time on what makes you happy, instead of what pisses you off. And I promise you, that you'll feel a lot better. ^_^

  • And I don't really have a point. I just wanted to rant.

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I've found myself reading a good number of posts this morning, where people complain about flag abuse. And while some of the complaints are nothing but silly butthurtness, some of them have some valid points and accusations.
Now, I'm not gonna mention names, or any other details about the different cases I've seen. Simply because I don't care much for drama. I'm here to write, read, and most importantly, learn and develop myself. (Though, earning a few bucks, is not something I complain about.)

  • Some people seem to have gotten a feeling of ownership on the site, where they think they are the ones to decide what is allowed to be posted, how many times you can talk about the same subject, or just, what tags you're allowed to use for your posts.

To me, that's not a pleasent thing to witness. I came here, because of the lack of censorship. I could just as easily have stayed at my unknown blogspot, where I earned exactly the same amount of money. (Meaning basicly nothing.) And where I had to be careful about what I wrote, as to not lose my adsense account, because I broke googles rules, or some rediculous law.
^ In Denmark, there's a law that prohibits people from hurting a politicians, or other government employees feelings. And I was sentenced to 14 days last year of conditioned prison, for doing just that. - I don't regret it though. He spend a lot of money and time on the case, while I spend 5 minutes on the investigation, and even bailed from the trial.

  • The steemit tag policing, reminds me of that. People wanting to control what other people say.

I've used the "Steemit" tag, a couple of times, not because I knew what it was really about, but simply because it is the most used tag so far. I'm not really here for the money, but I do want people to read what I write. So I can get responses, which in turn, makes me figure out what I should improve, and how to go about improving it.
Though, using the tag, didn't really bring in any of that. So I stopped doing it. (Limited to 5 tags, I figured I might as well use some, that fitted my writings. And I've even been the first to post on a couple of the tags I've used.)

Anyway, back to the subject.

Reputation is a good part of how the world spins around. Sure, I myself have a different reputation in real life, depending on who you ask. Some like me and see me as consistant and extremely trustworthy. While others hate my gut, and see me as something to stay away from.
But it's different, when you can actually put a number on it, like on Steemit. Building up a reputation for someone like me, that don't have a following elsewhere, takes time. It takes consistency, and it takes work. It's not something that happens overnight.

Therefore, I generally behave on Steemit. - More so than I do on Facebook for instance. I don't mind acting the part of a troll, to get a good laugh there. It's fun, and people have a tendency to let their emotions run wild. - But not here. Here, I try to get into conversations with the people I don't agree with. Not only am I here to learn, but I don't really want to be flagged by someone with a higher reputation, and more Steem Power, just because I acted like a dick. Since it takes time to build up that reputation again. (And my time alive is rather limited. And could be used for other things)

  • But now, there's a risk of getting flagged, simply because other people think they have any authority, because they have a little money, or more reputation than others. Where they think they are the ones to decide, what I see as a valid tag. Or they have seen someone else write about the same thing. Or they feel like deciding, that I can't talk about the same topic, on more than one occation.

As I see how the flag for stopping people from taking credit for other peoples work. It's to stop bullies, from being just that. And it's to stop people, that celebrates violent acts on peaceful people, from earning money. And other similar things.
^ But that's just how I see it. I'm not the decider of how anything should be used. I like Praxeology and psychology, and steemit provide a good platform for studying those things. I want to know what makes humans tik. When their rich, poor, hateful, loving, yeah, basicly in every instance of life. I want to know. And people acting as internet police, is included in that.

Anyway. This was just a ramble. Take it as you want. But do be sure, if you flag me, without a good reason. Then I'll probably retaliate in one way or another. - Though, I have no power, no money, and not many friends. One of my hobbies is to be a serious pain in the ass, when people misstreat me or people I like. So don't flag me, because of emotions. ^_^