I tried creating a post from my mobile once and I must say the experience was horrible. The post looked really bad with a lot of whitespace, and weird letters were all over the place!
We have eSteem however I haven't tried it because I don't trust having my private keys in multiple places.
Instead I'll be just waiting for the official APP which is currently being in the works. So let's see how it will look like. I'll be definitely using it A LOT!
I don't think you are the only one with this experience either.
I would, in fact, be very curious to see stats on the percent of users that are coming into Steemit off of mobile devices and retention/churn rates from those users. People that are successful around here stick with it and just figure it all out. I think we can make the onboarding process so much better.
With the introduction of an official mobile App, things should start looking WAAAAY better.