Selfish that's the right word to describe a man who had no compassion, power and intelligence that they have on set as a weapon to suppress the commoners who day after day getting squashed by a very earthly himpitan cruel. Really very pathetic, maybe the time of Darwin's theories are now beginning to apply where who is strong and powerful and he is victorious and mastering of this nature.
The cries of hunger and thirst will always echoed in this natural, educational backward, malnutrition and other problems that problems arise and there will always be selfish if people keep standing upright in the land of beautiful and handsome. Sadness will always come, suffering will probably be true friends the very human need a great attention.
Those who have great power Steem share only your fellow communities, no matter if we rely on the same umbrella (Steemit).
Cries of grief indicates that Darwin's theory is running for the moment. There never will be a meaningful settlement if the ruler of steem power, only to be concerned with a mere Imaging.
A small smile out of the lips of the commoners they may still expect there will be people who want to help them with full sincerity is not just an imaging.
Everyone is trying to find a little bit of the smile from the Pope.
. His unfortunate fate the people who neglected it is as though they like small ants, hordes of annoying and never benefit that only becomes a suspended above the loranthus posting them. Perhaps the paradigm that now exists in the mind of a high power Steem's holder.