The road to success : A memory inside a memory (Chapter 2).

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Previous Chapter :  The road to success : 6 hours of thinking (Chapter 1).

I start this Chapter with the 3rd September 2k16 : " Wake up ! .. come on sleepy guy wake up it's too late you must go you have course today " I really was in the paradise of my dreams. I had a terrible week in the university, NO studies ! because of the strikes. 

I've never thought what the true strike is and why people do it, or maybe why they become happy when they hear : there no studies for today, I used to go home when I hear that in high school but here in this hell ( university ) simply I can't go home, like people force me to join them and strike with them, but never mind I was clever especially when it's time to escape. Don't worry I will finish my road to success.

I have probably 2 hours before joining the course in the university, one for having breakfast and putting on my clothes and the last for the road because I took the bus before I get my driving license, yes the road to the university took 4 hours of my time everyday ( travel and return of course ). So I've done everything now I must go to wait the bus. Here we go ! the bus is coming and a new day has began, I had lot of friends who take the bus, you know they must have some fun before arriving to the hell, they are the greatest people I've ever met in this earth but I wasn't that guy who enjoys with them, I used to put on my headset and listening to music or news in the radio but sincerely I didn't use to hear all the stuff and focus on my ears because always my mind was away. So that day I remembered one of my greatest steps to success.

What should I do to changes this life ?  I remember the real morning after 6 hours of thinking, I slept for 1 hour waking up like a dog just fell in a pool or maybe like a drunk man, I washed my face and went to the kitchen to have breakfast, my mind was still sleeping and I was thinking of nothing, in that time I was still in high school and the road took only 15 to 20 mins, I had the computer science course for 2 hours ( 8am to 10am ), I went to the classroom so I met my professor outside waiting for the students, by the way I already wrote a little about him in the previous chapter. He smokes too much ( very very much ) and I asked him lot of times for the reason of his smoking but I think he didn't want to share his personal life with the others ( even me ) so the reasons were also personal. He said : " Hi clever how are you doing today ? " I replied : " I'm doing fine teacher how about you ? " he laughed for a while and said : " I forget all my problems when I know that my students will share my science with the next generation " he thought that I was a child and I won't understand his meanings but he knew that even if I couldn't understand now I'll do it later. The course has began " today we are going to study how a processor work and where its energy come from " my teacher said, I already know how it works and its energy come from eeh ! .. wait ! where its energy come from ? I was confused,  Electricity ? No, or maybe yes it doesn't matter now I'll know exactly in this course, " Anyone has an idea about where the processor energy come from ? " all the student's hands up ! and all of them have the same answer : Electricity ? WRONG. I didn't answer because I wasn't sure, but the teacher asked me the same question, Oh my god I'm not sure of my answer ! involuntarily I answered : Us ! what ? where this answer came from ? all the students were surprised and maybe they thought I was joking but I repeated it : yes Us its energy come from Us, our hands and our minds give the energy to a processor and make him work, if you don't press the power button by your hands and the order coming from your mind, it will stay frozen like a piece of junk". 

After this answer, all eyes on me, my teacher was surprised because the answer was very correct, wrong and logical at the same time " Yes that's correct " he said with a weird voice. The course was very interesting but it was very hard for the teacher to explain it because I changed his way of work, at the end my teacher came to me and said " this year is very different " I replied with innocence " Why teacher ? " he said " because it's the first time that someone gives me a wrong and correct answer at the same time ".It doesn't matter if you answer wrong, but if you stay quiet you become ignorant to the others, it's not about how much you know but it's about how much you use what you know and share it with the others ( not show it to the others ).

Returning to home took a little longer that morning because the question : What should I do to changes this life ? came to my mind again, maybe the answer is the one I gave in the classroom yes, my life is like a processor if I don't give it the energy it won't show me good results I know that but how much I have to work to change it ?.

A lot ! yes a lot of work, my Quran ( my Holy Book ) says that every human being is created to work and change his life by his hands and everyone of us is here in this life to change something, yes everyone !. I'm hoooome Mom ! ... . Maybe you can't learn from everything happens in your life, but sometimes a normal event can push you to conclude a great solution that change your life forever. The processor can't compile everything you give him in one attempt, maybe it can do more than one but it will never do everything all in one, my life and the other's life, our life maybe is the result, the life is the end, we all do things for our lives, the life come by the end so I thought that I must do everything one by one to change my life. This is the key : Step by step and never stop learning.

I didn't had daydream because I was thinking but this time I slept for 8 hours having real dreams at night. And the bus arrived to the university, " peace on you guys and good luck in the hell ", one of them answered " maybe it's not hell today because it's raining" and he laughed out loud , I laughed of his answer and ran from the rain to the ... Hell.



@mohammed123: a bit off-topic here: you've input a private key last time when you withdraw from Poloniex, which is public to everyone. Likely it's your memo key, so your fund/post is safe so far. But it's still recommended to change your password.

@abit thanks for warning I'll do it of course

Gracias por compartir este material. me gusta lo que has publicado

Gracias mucho aprecio sus refranes .. lo siento si hay un error que no hablan Inglés :)

I am glad that you are back here :)

all of this because of you, I didn't use to know Steemit without you and I really changed my life so all the best for you my friend :D