Hah man! I wish I could find the images but it were the early 2000s back in Odessa, Ukraine. I was too young to even start thinking about documenting the history.
But you're right, I can write stories about it. Maybe they would bring some light to the Omens of memory.
Oh that's a shame, maybe you could find someone else's pic of the same piece of equipment?
"Some light to the omens of memory" ~ I like that, you put it a beautiful way. Speaking of memory, take a look of my latest series, it talks about how you can edit your memories.
Not so much edit the content, but tweak it so it makes you feel a different way; you can neutralise sad memories and enhance happy ones :-)
I very much look forward to those stories!
Thank you so much for your series actually! I've started reading yesterday and continuing today, you really got me intrigued about the memory editing.
And it feels so good to directly communicate with the author right after reading the quality content! I'll be participating in your discussions often 😅👍
🎶Current music: Sasse - Antiloops
Thanks. I love the great discussions we have here. I just got back from camping this weekend, and it's good to see I'm not the only one frustrated by these issues.