Taboo Rules of Steemit

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

This guide is to help Steemit users understand a few unofficial rules on Steemit that are considered SPAM. Following this guideline will help to provide a frictionless experience on Steemit. This could increase your chances of success on the platform.

I did not make these taboo rules up, but simply realized them while on Steemit.

💀 Your first post needs to be an introduction post and you may only really use this introduce-yourself tag ONCE

There are users and bots seeking out the introduce-yourself tag, so that they may provide a warm welcome to new users. Using the introduce-yourself tag over and over again crowds the catagory and is interpreted as taking advantage of this system. It will eventually get you a warning on Steemit.

💀 No Copy & Pasting Content from the Web

Plagiarism is a very big deal on Steemit. Since we are getting paid for our content it needs to be original and not someone else's work. Otherwise they should be getting paid, not you. Also when users copy and paste content onto Steemit the search engine picks up the original content, NOT the content on Steemit. This does not bring awareness to the Steemit platform, so it is frowned upon because it is not conducive to Steemit's growth. THIS IS SPAM.

💀 Always Source Your Information.

If you use someone's information for your articles from another source remember to site it. The @cheetahbot is hard at work scanning and checking post. You do not want to be labeled a plagiarizer. It will get you on the blacklist!

💀 No lame comments. For example: "Nice post or Good job"

This one is kind of nit picky, but my time on steemit has revealed that some more prominent users are seriously annoyed when they receive generic comments such as this. They believe the commentator is solely seeking to benefit from curation points, and has no real interest in the content poster or the information shared. THIS IS SPAMMING.

💀 No "I follow you, follow back" or "upvote for upvote"

This is not Instagram! Do not try that tactic here, because money is involved on this platform, and much respect is given to those who succeed on Steemit. You must earn your respect by being active on the site and posting original, well executed content. This will gain you upvotes and followers.

💀 Do not beg for upvotes from whales or anyone really

The users of steemit with bigger upvotes are not moved by this tactic. Since, we all really only have between 10-15 upvotes per day at full power, care must be exercised when bestowing these precious gifts of wealth. Just have fun on steemit. Writing and blogging in the appropriate way will add to Steemit. It should give you fulfillment to get your voice on the blockchain FOREVER.

💀 Try to Save Your Earnings from the platform as Steem Power , rather than cash out.

If you are cashing out your earning at the end of the 7 day payout, this is considered taboo. If you are reaping benefits from Steemit, you are also expected to support the platform as well. Using your SBD earnings to boost your Steem Power provides higher upvotes for everyone and supports the growth of Steemit.

💀 No whining, No arguing, No complaining!

Some people start to get frustrated with the platform when their post do not acquire upvotes. Whining, arguing, and complaining about it usually leads them to start creating Steemit bashing post. You do not want to do that on Steemit. Flags will be thrown up and you could end up on the blacklist.

It is so early in the development of Steemit that we all need to work together to uplift the platform, like a loving parent. The rewards are inevitable, just be patient. It could happen at anytime and that is part of the thrill of Steeming.

Let us all remember.....

Team work makes the Dreamwork and Steem On!

Image source: &



All sounds fair enough cheers. Thanks mike

This should almost be mandatory reading for new users on the SteemIt platform. It is a shame to see people come on here, not knowing any better - then they get warned, flagged/downvoted, and their reputation damaged. Most new people tend not to react well to "discipline" or "instruction" which is perceived to be punitive or annoying - I am no exception to this, either.

Groups that support minnows are a great thing - they are doing their part to spread the proper use and tactics for success on the SteemIt platform. And, posts like this are also helping out a lot.

Thanks for educating new users on the platform about online etiquette. Upvoted and Resteemed.

Thank you, your RESTEEM will also make this information available to more users.

Great taboo rules. I agree with all

Esti peste tot , omule :))

Great post! Especially the copy & paste bit and the NO SPAM.
You got an upvote & resteem from me (not worth much but they all add up).
Steem on beyond the moon, because why only to the moon.

Thanks! Re Steeming will make this info available to more users.

These are very accurate rules. One should really follow them, no second thought about it!

Thank you for this article, its very informative and very helpful for a newbie like me to see.

I am glad it was of help to you. Steem On!

This post has received a 3.07 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @monkimo.

Good work at clearing this up. Especially the point regarding 'saving your earnings.' Its important to keep the growth of Steem going!

Yes, many people do not realize this importance of steempower in relation to their own growth on the platform.

I think one key point to address is the difference between a critical post about SteemIt and a bashing post. I've seen posts that discuss flaws and offer potential solutions, which are great! Then there are those that simply complain about how it's too hard to make money on SteemIt. It's always a bit sad to see these, but they also typically don't contribute anything but negativity. Those aren't cool.

No "I follow you, follow back" or "upvote for upvote"

Hear, hear. Bringing the Steemit community down to the same cheap and selfish commercialism that we see elsewhere. It makes me sick.
Of course we all enjoy the personal benefits of Steem, but do it properly by writing posts, curating and generally contributing to the ethos of the community.... not by playing the game!

Commenting on this post for save at my wallet

Thanks . This was very informative and simplified . I'll make sure the new users I told to join will read this information right a way. I hope there is a way for others to get it in their introduction info when they join.
Impressive and useful.

It would be a great tool For new users to receive on their introduction. Agreed. Thank you for your support.

I like it! If I had the skill, I'd build a bot to send this out to every new user.

That would be very cool!

My voice on the block chain FOREVER. That is pretty powerful. I don't think most of us realize the importance of that. Thank you.

Making steemit history with every post, comment, reply! Keep steemin!

Thanks for this post monkimo. I have a buddy that just started so resteemed for him to see it. Wish I would have realized these rules before I had a post flagged for spamming because I didn't cite a photo (I believe). :) Onwards and upwords.


Insightful tips , thanks for sharing your content. It is people like you @monkimo, that have helped me along my steem experience.

This post has been ranked within the top 80 most undervalued posts in the second half of Jul 16. We estimate that this post is undervalued by $9.51 as compared to a scenario in which every voter had an equal say.

See the full rankings and details in The Daily Tribune: Jul 16 - Part II. You can also read about some of our methodology, data analysis and technical details in our initial post.

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Great! Wish i read this before i did my first post. Now i started wrong ...
Would be a great idea to show this kind of posts to newbies like me.
Thanks a lot!

Great reminders, especially for newbies and oldies that have lost their way. With the recent surge of new users, SPAM is something served on the daily. It's nice to be reminded what not to do so that the quality of posts on Steemit would skyrocket :D

@monkimo got you a $3.56 @minnowbooster upgoat, nice!
@monkimo got you a $3.56 @minnowbooster upgoat, nice! (Image:

Want a boost? Click here to read more!

Thank you @minnowbooster! Nice meme🤑

Can you repost this . I'm unable to post it on my steemit page. Please help!!!!

I am new to steemit and I have seen couple of the taboos mentioned above from the users on my post's comments. I have made couple of mistakes myself. Now I know the taboos I will try to avoid them. Thanks for the post.

beste steemian
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