Certainly one can go from poverty to riches with due diligence and hard work. This is certainly a good lesson to be learned and we appreciate your article.
To become great, one must start small, be willing to listen, learn, serve others first.
It is often said that a great leader must be a great man or a great woman. But what makes one human mind, body, soul and spirit be recognized in time, among the millions, to stand-out among the crowd and draw millions to a cause?
Some say it is passion. Certainly passion alone will not endure without character, moral direction, the pursuit of justice, liberty, equality, freedom and all that Mother Liberty stands for.
Certainly endurance comes with passion. And passion follows the pursuit of a dream. A dream may come for personnal reasons or be the result of the pursuit of justice, equality and freedom. Who can judge the heart of man?
Mother Liberty.