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RE: How I Walked Away From it All and Retired at 29 (and how STEEMIT is helping me)

in #steemit9 years ago

Very inspiring. First steemit post I used for an example on facebook.

Here was my comments
Absolutely beautiful and so true. I know I probably terrify my family giving up a six figure income, but what I have gained is worth so much more than money. I have gained TIME and that is something we all are given a short amount of. Using MY TIME the way I think it should be spent is more valuable than any amount of paper some bank wants to tell me it is worth.

For all my blogger friends (Facebookers could be included), take a look at this new way of being compensated for your TIME. I will state this is real value you earn and I know because I have tested every part of the system. Will it be as fancy as facebook no, will it be as popular as wordpress no.......but you currently will not find a better chance to be rewarded for your thoughts.